Translate Forms to Other Languages

This page describes two different methods of translating Form elements (field labels, drop-down options, etc.) into other languages. In addition, it covers Translation Overrides, which you can use to modify the translated values.


The browser language must be set to English when translating solutions. Other browser languages are not supported.

Option 1: Use a translator service

You can translate Forms using either Microsoft Cognitive Services translation or Google translation.

Add the translator API key to the Evolve site

  1. When you have the API key, go to Evolve admin site.
  2. Go to Connections and then go to the External Web Services tab.
  3. There will be following 2 options: CognitiveServices and Google.
  4. Click the option for which you want to add the API key.
  5. Click Edit and add the API key.
  6. Click Save. You will receive a message that the web service has updated successfully.
  • For more information about the Cognitive Services API and to get a key, visit the Microsoft Azure Text API web site to create an account.
  • For more information about the Google Cloud Translation API and to get a key, see the Google Cloud Platform web site. Note that Google released an upgrade for its APIs from version 2 (v2) to version 3 (v3). As a result, APIs v2 no longer works properly with Winshuttle forms. To make Google APIs work again, a small change must be made in the frmCommon.js file. Please see the instructions on the Winshuttle Support site.

Run translations

  1. In Solution Designer, go to the Solutions tab.
  2. Click Translate.
  3. In the Select Languages to Translatescreen, under To Language, select one or more languages.
  4. Click Translate. When the form is translated, you will receive a confirmation message
  5. Go to the Form tab. On the ribbon, click Responsive to preview your form and view translations.
  6. In the preview, next to Translate, click the arrow and select a language.

Option 2: Export as a text file

Translation text file example:

Another translation option is to export the form elements to a text file. This option creates a file with all of the labels associated with the Form (for all Views), and includes Name=Value pairs for each Label.

  • The Name is the Label ID.
  • The Value is the English text of the Label.

The Label text (the Value) can be translated into any language and then imported into the solution by specifying which language to update.


 The Name (or Label ID) should never be modified.

Any previously translated language can be exported. New labels and those which have not yet been translated will be shown in English.

Exporting to a text file

  1. In Solution Designer, go to the Solutions tab.
  2. From the ribbon, click Export. This exports the solution file as a text (.TXT) file.
  3. Translate the exported text file by sending the file through a translation service, for example.
  4. Import the translated text file.
  5. Go to Solutions tab and from the ribbon, click Import.
  6. On the Import Translations screen, click Choose File to browse to the translated file.
  7. Select the language of the translated text file from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click Import.

Use translation overrides

After you use the Import Translation functionality or the translation service, you can correct any mistakes or make changes to labels by using the Translation Override property.

  1. In your Form, click the label of the field (not in the field itself) that you wish to translate.
  2. In the Properties pane, next to Translation Overrides, click the Options [...] button.
  3. In the Translation Override Editor, enter the desired translation(s) for the required language(s).
  4. Click OK.


  • If you make modifications to dropdown or ComboBoxes for which you have manually created options (the range is set manually), re-translate the solution before deploying it.

  • Translate to dropdown will pick setting as per user locale in the Form preview.