Current version of APIs consists of the Digital Access API, SAP Data API and REST API. All these APIs are secured with API Gateway and its supported authentication mechanism. Leveraging these APIs allows to upload and download data from SAP, Composer Solution integration with other systems and third party systems to integrate with Evolve workflow system.

API Gateway

API Gateway

API Gateway is the middle layer between external systems and Evolve application. It manages security of exposed APIs to be accessed by third party systems. API Gateway supports three security options Client Secret, Secure Token and Certificate.

API Metering

API Metering

As part of Digital Access APIs (for Evolve) and SAP Data API (for Evolve and Studio Manager), we collect API usage information. This helps us identify the usage for each API for billing purposes, and helps user to track their API usage. API usage is visible at Solution level (in solutions) and in Evolve and Studio manager Reports.

Digital Access APIs

Digital Access APIs

Digital Access APIs allow third party system to integrate with Evolve workflow system. Digital Access License for the process must be activated for Digital access API to function. The Digital Access APIs are available only for Evolve. User can complete an existing open assignment using Complete Assignment API, can return all open assignments with limited OData filter support using Get All Assignments API, can return the latest copy of process Document for specified process ID using Get Document Data By Process API, can start an Excel Workflow process using Start Excel Process API, can start a Form workflow process using Start Form Json Process API, and can start a Form workflow process using Start Form Process API.



SAP Data API allows to upload and download data from SAP. This API is available for Evolve and Studio Manager. SAP Data API license must be activated on the Evolve system for SAP Data API to function. See SAP Data API with Evolve for details about accessing SAP Data API from Evolve. For details about creating scripts for SAP Data API in Studio and submitting a solution to Evolve from Studio, see SAP Data API with Studio.