Solution Fields

You can promote fields from an Excel file or from a Form to Solution Fields. The solution fields can then be used in participant resolvers, transition conditions, and other Evolve elements.

Solution fields can be displayed on the Documents and Tasks pages. Every solution has its own default solution fields; you can also create your own user-defined solution fields. The user-defined solution fields can be independent and can be linked to fields from an Excel file or from a Form through property promotion.


Solution Developers can manage user-defined solution fields. They cannot manage system-defined solution fields; these are visible only as they are within the fixed fields on the Documents, Processes, or Tasks pages.

Fields beginning with numbers cannot be added.

Wherever you set the value of a solution field (in decimals) or of a form field (a number), you must provide the direct decimal value in Solution Builder elements (such as the value setter node) in single quotes.


If a Transition condition for the decimal field is not being properly evaluated (when the value is provided from the form field), use the functions available as you design the solution (examples below), rather than selecting the direct value from the form fields. Examples:

1. For a decimal field → ToNumber([/my:myFields/my:field_2])2. For a DatePicker → ToDateTime([/my:myFields/my:field_2])

Promote form fields to solution fields

  1. In the Form, click in a field to open the properties.
  2. In the Properties pane, next to the Promote to Solution Field box, type the name of the Solution field you want to promote the field to. If a field with the same name is already in the solution, the form field will be linked to that field; otherwise, a new field will be created, and the form field will be linked to the newly promoted field.

You can also promote the form field to a solution field by right clicking the form field from the Form Data pane and selecting Promote to Solution Field. This creates a solution field with the same name as the form field.

For fields within repeating elements, there is one more property for Promote to Solution Field. This is a drop-down list which (when there is a repeating element) defines the way in which the column is added to the solution field. The list includes the following values:

  • First – Copies value of first field from the repeating element
  • Last – Copies value of last field from the repeating element
  • Count – Copies the number of rows in the repeating element
  • Merge – Merges the values of all the rows from the repeating element to the solution field

If a form field uses functions and you have promoted them, the default value in the solution field will remain empty.

Changing the type of a form field does not change the data type of that form field.

To compare the date type solution field in transition conditions of a workflow, use the ToDateTime function to convert the date time.

Promote Excel file fields to solution fields

For Custom Excel Workflow, the value from an Excel file cell can be promoted to a solution field, as follows:

  1. Provide a cell name to the Excel file template.
  2. In the Excel workflow, create a solution field with the same name.
  3. Go to the solution field and right click.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Check the Sync from Excel/Form checkbox.
  6. The Excel file cells and the Excel workflow solution fields will now be linked.

Remove property promotion from solution fields

For Form Workflow:

  1. Go to the Form tab of the form solution.
  2. From the Form Data pane, right click the Form field.
  3. Select Remove Solution Field Promotion. This will remove the link between the form field and the solution field.

For Excel Workflow:

  1. In the Excel workflow, go to the Solution tab.
  2. Go to the Solution Field and right click.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Uncheck the Sync from Excel/Form checkbox. The Excel file cells and the Excel workflow solution fields link will be removed.

Removing the link between the Excel file or Form field and the Solution Field does not delete the Solution Field.

Edit a solution field

 To edit a Solution Field:

  1. In the Excel workflow, go to the Solution tab.
  2. Go to the Solution Field and right click.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. You can change the following:

    • Name of the Solution Field
    • Default value
    • Enable or disable Display on Task page
    • Enable or disable Display on Document page
    • Enable or disable Sync from Excel/Form (applicable only to Custom Excel Workflow)

Once created, the data type of a Solution Field cannot be edited.

For decimal-type solution fields, if you are providing the default value, provide the value in a format in accordance with the user locale. Doing otherwise may cause issues. 


For the Spanish locale, the correct format is 123.456,34.

The same number in the English locale is 123,456.34.

Note the difference between normal and decimal separator.

Restore solution fields (RestoreSync)

Using this option, you can restore Solution Fields and their links with form fields to those of the last deployed solution. All changes in the solution fields will be removed. To Restore Solution Fields:

  1. Go to the Solution tab of the Form Solution.
  2. Right click on the Solution Fields.
  3. Select the RestoreSync option. Once selected, you will receive the following message: “Solution fields and their links with form fields will be restored to those of the last deployed solution. Are you sure you want to restore the solution fields?”
  4. Click Yes. This will restore the Solution Fields to those of the last deployed solution.

If you restore the solution fields, the property promotion of the form field will be restored to the last published solution. If there were any fields promoted in the solution, you will need to manually link them again.