People’s Republic of China
Continent | Asia |
Region | East Asia |
Area | 9,596,960 km2 (3,705,410 sq mi) |
Coastline | 14,500 km (9,000 mi) |
Capital City | Beijing |
Population | 1,412,600,000 (2021 estimate) |
Currency | Renminbi (元/¥) (CNY) |
Time zone | UTC+8 (China Standard Time) |
ISO 3166-1 codes | CN; CHN; 156 |
Address Format* | An address written in Chinese will start with the biggest geographical component (the province) and end with the smallest one (the addressee). However, the name of the country (P.R. CHINA) must be written in an internationally known language. For the same Chinese address written in the Roman (Latin) alphabet, the format will be used from the smallest geographical component at the top to the biggest at the bottom |
Postcode* | 6 digits to the left of the province name |
Available Bundle(s) |
Geocoding Precision Availability |
Address Verification Availability |
Address Autocomplete Availability |
Maximum Matching Capability |
Postcodes | Language(s) |
Master Location Data Available |
World Streets (Option 1) World Address Point (Option 2) APAC Bundle Á la carte datasets |
Street Centroid |
Street | Planned 2023 | Full address minus house number | Yes |
Simplified Chinese Latinized Chinese |
Planned TBD |