United States of America

Note: Includes American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Continent North America
Region Contiguous United States in central North America, Alaska in north-western North America and the island state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean
Area 9,826,675 km2 (3,794,100 sq mi)
Coastline 19,920 km (12,380 mi)
Capital City Washington, D.C
Population 331,893,745 (2021 estimate)
Currency U.S. dollar ($) (USD)
Time zone UTC-4 to -12, +10, 11 and UTC-4 to -10 in Summer (DST)
ISO 3166-1 codes US; USA; 840
Address Format* An address is regarded as complete when it contains all the elements needed for unique identification in the Universal POST*CODE® Database files. An address is regarded as standardized when it is fully spelled out, abbreviated using the standard abbreviations published by the USPS in its booklet “Postal Addressing Standards” or written as in the Universal POST*CODE® Database files
Postcode* 9 digits to right of State, a hyphen between 5th and 6th digits, 2 spaces between State and Postcode

Available Bundle(s)

Geocoding Precision Availability

Address Verification Availability

Address Autocomplete Availability

Maximum​ Matching​ Capability

Postcodes Language(s)

Master Location Data Available

World Streets (Option 1)​

World Address Point (Option 2)​

MLD Bundle (Option 3)​

AMER Bundle

Á la carte datasets

Street Interpolated​

Address Points


Street level​

Address Point level

Units Yes

