Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Continent Europe
Region Northwest Europe
Area 2,586.4 km2 (998.6 sq mi)
Coastline N/A
Capital City Luxembourg
Population 645,397 (2022 estimate)
Currency Euro (€) (EUR)
Time zone UTC+1 (CET) and UTC+2 (CEST) in Summer (DST)
ISO 3166-1 codes LU; LUX; 442
Address Format* A national address consists of a maximum of six lines
Postcode* 4 digits to the left of the locality name and preceded by L

Available Bundle(s)

Geocoding Precision Availability

Address Verification Availability

Address Autocomplete Availability

Maximum​ Matching​ Capability

Postcodes Language(s)

Master Location Data Available

World Streets (Option 1)​

World Address Point (Option 2)​

MLD Bundle (Option 3)​

EMEA Bundle

Á la carte datasets

Street Interpolated​

Address Points


Street level​

Address Point level

Full address Yes




Yes; included in Belgium