United Kingdom(GBR)

This chapter defines the supported geocoding datasets, operations, and input and output field information for the United Kingdom.

Supported Geocoding Datasets

The following table shows the geocoding levels available.

Geocode Dataset Maximum Precision Postcodes Language Geocode Level
TomTom Street Interpolated Yes English Premium & Advanced
Ordnance Survey Address Points Yes English Premium
RoyalMail Address Points Yes English Premium

* This requires the use of an optional point geocoding dataset.

Street Geocoding Datasets

Street geocoding datasets contain the spatial data necessary to perform address standardization and geocoding.

These geocoding datasets use proprietary files called GSD files. For ZIP Code centroid matching, the file us.Z9 contains all the centroid info for all states and normally has a z9 extension.

  • TomTom Streets — This geocoding dataset provides street segment data by TomTom, a third-party provider of spatial data, and postal data from the U.S. Postal Service.

Each geocoding dataset has an optional Statewide Intersections Index. The Statewide Intersection Index is designed to enable fast intersection identification on a statewide basis. For example, the Statewide Intersection Index will allow the geocoding dataset search for "1st && Main St, CO" and return a list of possible matches in Colorado more quickly than searching the entire geocoding geocoding dataset for each instance of the intersection.

Point Geocoding Datasets

Point geocoding datasets contain data for locating the center of a parcel. These geocoding datasets provides enhanced geocoding accuracy for internet mapping, property and casualty insurance, telecommunications, utilities, and others.

These geocoding datasets are optional, but either Centrus Enhanced Points or Centrus Premium Points is required for Reverse Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) Lookup. These geocoding datasets are also separately licensed.

  • Centrus Points — This geocoding dataset contains the data necessary to locate the center of a parcel or building. It does not contain Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or elevation data.
  • Centrus Elevation — This geocoding dataset contains the same data as Centrus Points, plus elevation data.
  • Centrus Enhanced Points — This geocoding dataset contains the same data as Centrus Points, plus APN data.
  • Centrus Premium Points — This geocoding dataset contains the same data as Centrus Points, plus both APN and elevation data.
  • Centrus TomTom Points — The data in this geocoding dataset is provided by TomTom, a third-party provider of spatial data.
  • NAVTEQ Points—This database is provided by NAVTEQ, a third-party data provider. It contains data used to locate addresses at the center of the actual building footprint or parcel.
  • Master Location Data — This geocoding dataset provides the best available address point location for every mailable and deliverable address in the United Kingdom.

Reverse Geocoding Geocoding Dataset

The Reverse Geocoding geocoding dataset contains the data you need to convert a latitude/longitude location to an address.

This geocoding dataset is optional, but is required for reverse geocoding. This geocoding dataset is also separately licensed.

Custom User Dictionaries

Custom User Dictionaries contain user-defined records. You can use Custom User Dictionaries to provide custom data to use in address matching and geocoding.

DPV® Geocoding Dataset

The Delivery Point Validation geocoding dataset allows you to check the validity of any individual mailing address in the U.S. The DPV geocoding dataset is distributed as an optional feature and can be installed to enhance the geocoding geocoding dataset's ability to validate mailing addresses. Each time an edition of the geocoding geocoding dataset is released, a corresponding edition of the optional DPV geocoding dataset is released. The date of the DPV geocoding dataset must match the date of the geocoding geocoding dataset for DPV processing to function. DPV lookups may not be performed after the expiration date of the DPV geocoding dataset.

This geocoding dataset is optional, but is required for CASS Certified processing. The DPV geocoding dataset is also required to determine ZIP + 4 and ZIP + 4 related output (DPBC, USPS record type, etc.). This geocoding dataset is also separately licensed.


Postal Service licensing prohibits using DPV for the generation of addresses or address lists, and also prohibits the DPV geocoding dataset being exported outside the United Kingdom.

EWS Geocoding Dataset

The Early Warning System (EWS) geocoding dataset contains data that prevents address records from miscoding due to a delay in postal data reaching the U.S. Postal geocoding dataset.

The USPS® refreshes the EWS file on a weekly basis. Unlike the DPV and LACSLink geocoding datasets, the EWS geocoding dataset does not need to have the same date as the geocoding geocoding dataset. You can download the EWS.zip file free of charge from the CASS section of the USPS® RIBBS website at:


When you download the EWS geocoding dataset, you will receive a file named OUT. You must rename the OUT file to EWS.txt before using it.

LACS Link Geocoding Dataset

The LACSLink geocoding dataset allows you to correct addresses that have changed as a result of a rural route address converting to street-style address, a PO Box renumbering, or a street-style address changing.

This geocoding dataset is optional, but is required for CASS Certified processing. The LACSLink geocoding dataset is also required in CASS mode to receive ZIP + 4 and ZIP + 4 related output (delivery point barcode, USPS record type, etc.).

The date of the LACSLink geocoding dataset must match the date of the geocoding geocoding dataset for LACSLink processing to function.

Note: USPS licensing prohibits using LACSLink for the generation of addresses or address lists, and also prohibits the LACSLink geocoding dataset being exported outside the United Kingdom.

Supported Operations

The following operations are supported for the United Kingdom:
  • Geocoding—Takes one or more addresses as input and returns latitude/longitude coordinates and other information.
  • Reverse Geocoding—Takes one or more latitude and longitude coordinates as input and returns the address of the location.
  • Reverse APN Lookup—Takes an Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) county code, and FIPS state code and returns the address of the parcel.

Input Fields

The input address may contain some or all of the following address elements.

Field NameParameter Type Description
placeName String Specifies the building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the input address. Optional.
mainAddress String Single Line Input—If no other address field is populated, then the mainAddress entry will be treated as a single line input. Single line input can consist of multiple input address fields; these should be entered in the typical address order for the country. For more details, refer to the section "Single Line Input" below.

Street Address—If the post address components (city, postalCode, etc.) are provided separately or in the lastLine field, then the contents of mainAddress will be treated as the street address part and can include company name, house number, building names and street names. Optional.

Street Intersection Input—To enter an intersection, specify the two street names separated by one of the following tokens: and, &, &&, at, AT, or @.

Note: The USPS does not consider intersections valid addresses for postal delivery. Therefore, does not match intersections when processing in CASS mode.
lastLine String The last line of the address. Optional. For example:

3001 Summer St.
Stamford, CT 06905

areaName1 String Specifies the state. Optional.
areaName2 String Specifies the county. Optional.
areaName3 String Specifies the town or city. Optional.
areaName4 String Specifies the urbanization (used only for Puerto Rico). Optional.
postalCode String ZIP Code. Optional.
country String The three-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country code. For the United Kingdom, the country code is UK. Required for forward geocoding.

City-only lastline matching permits address matching with only a city in the input lastline. The city should be provided using either the mainAddress (using single-line address input), LastLine or areaName3 input fields.

With city-only lastline input, all of the states are searched in which the input city exists. Therefore, there is the possibility of an increase in multimatches (return of E023 or E030 Match Codes) when matching with city-only input instead of city+state input.


  • City-only lastlne input matching is not supported in CASS mode.
  • City-only lastline is not supported when matching to User Dictionaries.
  • When matching using city-only lastline, the Matching option Prefer ZIP over city setting is ignored.
  • When matching using city-only lastline, the FIND_PREFER_ZIP_OVER_CITY setting is ignored
  • It is strongly recommended to not use city-only lastline matching in Relaxed match mode to avoid the return of false-positive matches.

Some business locations are identified by address ranges. For example, a shopping plaza could be addressed as 10-12 Front St. This is how business mail is typically addressed to such a business location. These address ranges can be geocoded to the interpolated mid-point of the range.

Address ranges are different from hyphenated (dashed) addresses that occur in some metropolitan areas. For example, a hyphenated address in Queens County (New York City) could be 243-20 147 Ave. This represents a single residence (rather than an address range) and is geocoded as a single address. If a hyphenated address returns as an exact match, it does not attempt to obtain an address range match.

Address range matching is not available in Exact or CASS modes, since an address range is not an actual, mailable USPS® address. The following fields are not returned by address range geocoding:

  • ZIP + 4® (in multiple segment cases)
  • Delivery point
  • Check digit
  • Carrier route
  • Record type
  • Multi-unit
  • Default flag

Address range matching works within the following guidelines:

  • There must be two numbers separated by a hyphen.
  • The first number must be lower than the second number.
  • Both numbers must be of the same parity (odd or even) unless the address range itself has mixed odd and even addresses.
  • Numbers can be on the same street segment or can be on two different segments. The segments do not have to be contiguous.
  • If both numbers are on the same street segment, the geocoded point is interpolated to the approximate mid-point of the range.
  • If the numbers are on two different segments, the geocoded point is based on the last valid house number of the first segment. The ZIP Code and FIPS Code are based on the first segment.
  • In all cases, odd/even parity is evaluated to place the point on the correct side of the street.

Single Line Input

Instead of entering each address component in separate fields, you can enter the entire address in the mainAddress input field with the address elements ordered as follows:


  • [address_number] is optional.
  • [street_info] consists of the street name, street type and any pre- or post-directional information (e.g. East, West, etc.). Optional.
  • [areaName3] is the city.
  • [areaName1] is the state. Optional.
  • [postal_code] is the postal code.
  • Either the [areaName3] or [postal_code] is required.

Unsupported Options

  • When matching using the mustMatchFields settings, the matchOnAreaName2 and matchOnAreaName4 options are not supported.

Custom Options

The following table lists the options that are unique for UK. Except where noted, these fields are applicable to both Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding operations and are optional input parameters.

Option Name Description
FIND_ADDR_POINT_INTERP When set to true, uses address point interpolation. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_ADDRCODE When set to true, attempts to standardize and find an address geocode. Set this option if you want the address parsed and standardized. If this option is not set, only the input ZIP and ZIP+4 address elements are used. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_ADDRESS_RANGE When set to true, returns address range information. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_ALTERNATE_LOOKUP Determines whether the preferred lookup is to look for the streets first or the firms first. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = 3.
Prefer street lookup: Matches to the address line, if a match is not made, then matches to the placeName line.
Prefer firm lookup: Matches to the placeName line, if a match is not made, then matches to the address line.
Street lookup only: Matches to the address line. Default.
FIND_BUILDING_SEARCH Controls the ability to search by building name entered in the address line. When set to true, enables matching to building names even when no unit numbers are present. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_CENTERLINE_OFFSET Offset distance from the street center for a centerline match. Any positive integer, which represents number of feet. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = 0 feet.
FIND_CENTERLN_PROJ_OF_POINT When set to true, keeps multiple candidate records when matching with point-level data for use with centerline matching. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_CORRECT_LASTLINE When set to true, corrects elements of the output lastline, providing a good ZIP Code or close match on the soundex even if the address would not match or was non-existent. Supported only in forward geocoding.
FIND_DB_ORDER Allows you to specifically set the order in which User Dictionary and GSD data sets are searched. The default search order is:
  • User Dictionaries
  • Point GSD files
  • Street GSD files
Enter a list of geocoding dataset index values [starting at 0, separated by semi-colons] indicating which datasets to search and in what order.
FIND_DPV When set to true, enables delivery point validation. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_EXPANDED_SEARCH_RADIUS Allows the setting of the radius in miles (up to 99) around which your record lies. Must be used with applicable FIND_SEARCH_AREA setting. Default radius setting = 25 miles.
FIND_EXPND_SRCH_LIM_TO_STATE When set to true, limits an expanded search to a state's border. Must be used with applicable FIND_SEARCH_AREA setting. Default = true.
FIND_FIRST_LETTER_EXPANDED When set to true, enables extra processing for bad first letter (missing, wrong, etc.). Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_LACSLINK When set to true, enables LACSLink lookup. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_MIXED_CASE When set to true, returns candidate information in mixed case rather than uppercase. Default = false.
FIND_PREFER_POBOX When set to true, if both a street address and a PO Box are provided in the input address, the PO Box is used for matching. Ignored if processing in CASS mode. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.

If both FIND_PREFER_POBOX and FIND_PREFER_STREET are set to true, then they are ignored, and the default, FIND_PREFER_STREET is used.

FIND_PREFER_STREET When set to true, if both a street address and a PO Box are provided in the input address, the street address is used for matching. Ignored if processing in CASS mode. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.

If both FIND_PREFER_POBOX and FIND_PREFER_STREET are set to true, then they are ignored, and the default, FIND_PREFER_STREET is used.

FIND_PREFER_ZIP_OVER_CITY When set to true, prefers candidates matching input ZIP over matches to input city. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_SEARCH_AREA This option assists in finding a match when the input address contains limited or inaccurate city or ZIP Code information. One of the following options:
Searches the specified city.
Searches the entire Finance Area for possible streets. Note: This option has no effect when performing a ZIP centroid match.
Allows the setting of an expanded search area. When selected, you can use two other options to set how far to expand the search: FIND_EXPANDED_SEARCH_RADIUS and FIND_EXPND_SRCH_LIM_TO_STATE.
FIND_STREET_CENTROID When set to true, enables street locator geocoding. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = true.
FIND_SUITELINK When set to true, enables SuiteLink lookup. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_Z_CODE When set to true, attempts to find any ZIP centroid match. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_Z5_CODE When set to true, attempts to find a ZIP centroid match (no ZIP + 4 or ZIP+2). Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_Z7_CODE When set to true, attempts to find a ZIP+2 centroid match only (no ZIP+4 or ZIP). Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.
FIND_Z9_CODE When set to true, attempts to find a ZIP+4 centroid match only. Supported only in forward geocoding. Default = false.

Parsed Address Output Fields

The following table lists the output fields returned for a candidate located in the UK.

Note: The placeName, addressNumber, unitType and unitValue field values are only returned when the Geocode dataset that supports street address interpolation is installed.
Field Name Description
mainAddressLine The street address which may include company name, house number, building names and street names.
addressLastLine The last line of the address.
placeName The building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the address.
areaName1 The state.
areaName2 The county.
areaName3 The town or city.
areaName4 The urbanization (for Puerto Rico only).
postCode1 5-digit ZIP Code.
postCode2 4-digit ZIP Code extension.
country The three-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country code. For the United Kingdom, the country code is UK.
addressNumber The address number.
streetName The street or road name.
unitType The unit type such as APT, STE, etc.
unitValue The unit value/number, such as "3B".
customFields See the following section for the custom field definitions.

Custom Output Fields

The following table lists the unique output fields for UK. These fields are applicable to the Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding operations unless otherwise noted.

Field Name Description
ADDRLINE First address line address line for single line addresses.
ADDRLINE_SHORT Shortest possible address line that can be constructed from available short street name and he other address line components.
ALT_FLAG Alternate/base record indicator:
APN_ID APN Identifier. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
AUX_USERDATA User data from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file.
BEARING For centerline candidates, provides the compass direction, in decimal degrees, from the point data match to the centerline match. Measured clockwise from 0 degrees north.
BLOCK 15-digit census block ID/census FIPS code, using the syntax sscccttttttgbbb where:
  • ss—2-digit State FIPS Code
  • ccc—3-digit County FIPS Code
  • tttttt—6-digit Census Tract FIPS Code (without period)
  • g—Single-digit Block FIPS Code
  • bbb—Block FIPS Code
Not applicable to street intersection matches.
BLOCK_LEFT Census block ID from the left side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
BLOCK_RIGHT Census block ID from the right side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
BLOCK_SFX_LEFT For centerline candidates, the current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHT For centerline candidates, the current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
CART Carrier route ID. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
CBSA_DIVISION_NAME Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division name.
CBSA_DIVISION_NUMBER Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division number.
CBSA_NAME Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) name.
CBSA_NUMBER Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number.
CENTERLINE_DATATYPE For centerline candidates, the data type used to make the centerline match.
TomTom Streets geocoding dataset
NAVTEQ Streets geocoding dataset
TomTom Points geocoding dataset
Centrus Points geocoding dataset
Auxiliary file
User Dictionary
NAVTEQ Points geocoding dataset
Master Location Data
CENTERLINE_LAT For centerline candidates, the latitude in millionths.
CENTERLINE_LON For centerline candidates, the longitude in millionths.
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_ID For centerline candidates, the unique segment ID from data vendors.
CHECK_DIGIT The check digit.
CITY Abbreviated city name from the last line of the input or output address; the value from NAME_CITY or PREF_CITY.
CITY_SHORT The output city name that appears in LASTLINE_SHORT. This value is determined by logic similar to CITY. Whenever possible, this city name is 13 characters or less.

This output city name is determined by CASS rules. This can be either City State Name, City State Name Abbreviation, or Preferred Last Line City State Name.

COUNTY The county FIPS code.
COUNTY_FIPS The county FIPS code.
COUNTY_NAME County name.
CSA_NAME Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name.
CSA_NUMBER Combined Statistical Area (CSA) number.
CTYST_KEY USPS city state key (an alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a locale in the USPS city state product).
DATATYPE The type of data used to make the match.
TomTom Streets geocoding dataset
NAVTEQ Streets geocoding dataset
TomTom Points geocoding dataset
Centrus Points geocoding dataset
Auxiliary file
User Dictionary
NAVTEQ Points geocoding dataset
Master Location Data
DATATYPE_NAME Provides the source data vendor for the candidate match.
DFLT Indicates the return status of HI_RISE_DFLT and R_RTE_DFLT:
Either HI_RISE_DFLT and R_RTE_DFLT returned Y.
Both HI_RISE_DFLT and R_RTE_DFLT returned N or Blank.
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code.
DPV_CMRA Delivery Point Validation CMRA indicator.
Address found in CMRA table.
Address not found in CMRA table.
DPV not loaded.
DPV_CONFIRM Indicates if a match occurred for DPV data.
Nothing confirmed.
Everything confirmed (ZIP+4, primary and secondary)
ZIP+4 and primary (house number) confirmed.
ZIP+4 and primary (house number) confirmed and a default match (HI_RISE_DLT = Y, secondary did not confirm.
Non-matched input address to USPS ZIP+4 data, or DPV data not loaded.
DPV_FALSE_POS DPV false-positive indicator.
False-positive match found.
False-positive match not found.
DPV_FOOTNOTE1 Information about matched DPV records.
ZIP+4 matched.
Failure to match a ZIP+4.
Address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
DPV_FOOTNOTE2 Information about matched DPV records.
All DPV categories matched.
DPV matched primary/house number, where the secondary/unit number did not match (present but invalid).
Missing primary/house number.
Invalid primary/house number.
DPV matched primary/house number, with a missing secondary number.
Missing PS, RR, or HC Box number.
Invalid PS, RR or HC Box number.
All military addresses.
All general delivery addresses.
All unique ZIP Code addresses.
Address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
Note: A unique ZIP Code is a ZIP Code assigned to a company, agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume to receive its own ZIP Code.
DPV_FOOTNOTE3 Information about matched DPV records.
Matched to CMRA but PMB designator not present.
Matched to CMRA and PMB designator present (PMB 123 or #123).
Address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
The address is valid for CDS pre-processing.
The address is not valid for CDS pre-processing.
DPV is not loaded or DPV did not confirm.
Address was found in false-positive table.
Address was not found in false-positive table.
Address was not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
The address is vacant.
The address is not vacant.
DPV is not loaded or DPV did not confirm (so vacancy is irrelevant).
EWS_MATCH Indicates if an EWS match was made:
Match denied because it matched to EWS data.
Input record did not match to EWS data.
FIRM_NAME Name of firm from the USPS data or the input firm name. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
GOVT_FLAG The government building indicator:
City government building
Federal government building
State government building
Firm only
City government building and firm only
Federal government building and firm only
State government building and firm onl
A, B, C, E, F, and G are valid for alternate records only (ALT_FLAG=A). D is valid for both base and alternate records.
HI_RISE_DFLT Indicates if the match was made to a highrise.
Matched to an exact highrise record or a street record.
Did not match to an exact record. Matched to the USPS default highrise record or a street record. Check the input address for accuracy and completeness.
Does not apply to the input address (for example, PO Boxes and General Delivery addresses) or did not find a match.
HIRANGE House number at high end of range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HIUNIT High unit number for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HIZIP4 High ZIP+4 for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HOUSE_NUMBER House number of input or output address. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
IS_ALIAS The first character:
Normal street match
Alias match (including buildings, aliases, firms, etc.)

The next 2 characters:

Basic index, normal address match
USPS street name alias index
USPS building index
Statewide intersection alias (when using the Usw.gsi, Use.gsi,or Us.gsi file)
Spatial data street name alias (when using the Us_pw.gsi, Usw.gsi, Us_pe.gsi, Use.gsi, Us_ps.gsi, Usp.gsi, Us_psw.gsi, or Us_pse.gsi file is required.)
Alternate index (when using ZIP9.gsu, ZIP9E.gsu, and ZIP9W.gsu)
Centrus Alias index (when using usca.gsi)
LACS_FLAG Indicates if the address is marked for conversion.
Address marked for LACS conversion.
Address not marked for LACS conversion.
Matched LACSLink record.
LACSLink match NOT found.
False-positive LACSLink record.
Secondary information (unit number) removed to make a LACSLink match.
Not processed through LACSLink.
Matched LACSLink record.
LACSLink match NOT found.
Matched to highrise default, but no LACSLink conversion.
Found LACSLink match, but no LACSLink conversion.
Secondary information (unit number) removed to make a LACSLink match.
Not processed through LACSLink.
False-positive occurred and LACSLink library shutdown.
LACSLink library has not shutdown or not loaded.
LAST_LINE Complete last line of the address.
LASTLINE_SHORT The address last line. Whenever possible, this field is 29 characters or less:
  • 13-character city name
  • 2 (comma and space)
  • 2-character state abbreviation
  • 2 spaces
  • 10-digit ZIP Code
LOC_CODE Location Code. For descriptions of location codes, see Address Location Codes in the appendix.
LORANGE House number at low end of range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
LOT_CODE eLot ascending and descending value. Only available for addresses that can be standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the output address does not DPV confirm.
LOT_NUM 4-digit eLot number. Requires an input address that can be standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the output address does not DPV confirm.
LOUNIT Low unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
LOZIP4 Low ZIP+4 for this range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
MAIL_STOP Returns address information appearing after mail stop designator words: MSC, MS, MAILSTOP, MAIL STOP, ATTN, ATTENTION.
MATCH_CODE Match code for this candidate. For descriptions of match codes, see Match Code Descriptions in the appendix.
MATCHED_DB Index of geocoding dataset for matched record.
MCD_NAME Minor Civil Division name from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
MCD_NUMBER Minor Civil Division number from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
Contains a “Metropolitan Statistical Area”.
Is non-blank but does not contain a “Metropolitan Statistical Area”.
Is blank (the county does not contain a CBSA).
MM_RESULT_CODE The MapMarker result code for this candidate. See result codes in
NAME The street name.
NAME_CITY City name for the matched address from the City-State record.
NAME_SHORT The short street name used to construct the short address line.

All attempts are made to abbreviate this name according to the process specified by the USPS in the 30 Character Abbreviation - Cycle M Flow Chart. If an abbreviated address cannot be constructed that is 30 characters or less, this field then contains the same street name value as the NAME field return.

NEAREST_DIST For centerline candidates, gives the distance, in feet, from the point-level match to the centerline match.

For reverse geocoding candidates, gives the distance, in feet, from the input location to the matched street segment, point address, or intersection.

PARCEN_ELEVATION Elevation of the geocode at the parcel centroid. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
PERCENT_GEOCODE Percentage along the street segment to the interpolated match. The range is 0.0 - 100.0. The range is always 0.0 for point data.
Note: For reverse geocoding only.
PMB_DESIGNATOR PMB designator (always “PMB”).
POINT_ID Unique point ID of the matched record when matched to pointlevel data. Blank if the matched record is not from point-level data. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
POSTDIR Postfix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
POSTDIR_SHORT Postdir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
PREDIR Prefix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
PREDIR_SHORT Predir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
PREF_CITY Preferred city name for the output ZIP Code of the matched address.
QCITY State, city, or finance numbers.
R_RTE_DFLT Match indicator for rural routes.
Matched to an exact rural route record.
Did not find an exact record. Matched to the USPS default rural route record. Check the input address for accuracy and completeness.
Does not apply to the input address (for example, street addresses, P.O. Boxes, and General Delivery addresses) or no match found.
RANGE_PARITY Indicates the parity of the house number in the range:
REC_TYPE The range record type:
General Delivery
Post Office/PO Box
Rural Route
TIGER record match
User Dictionary
Not applicable to street intersection matches.
RESOLVED_LINE Indicates which line in a 2-line address was used to resolve the address.
ROAD_CLASS The road class code:
Minor road, main data file
Major road, main data file
Minor road, supplemental file
Major road, supplemental data file
Not applicable to street intersection matches.
SEG_HIRANGE For centerline candidates, provides the high house number in the segment.
SEG_LORANGE For centerline candidates, provides the low house number in the segment.
SEGMENT_DIRECTION For centerline candidates, gives the direction of the segment:
Numbers are forward.
Numbers are reversed.
SEGMENT_ID Segment ID (TLID) or unique ID from premium data vendors. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
SEGMENT_PARITY For centerline candidates, provides the segment parity. The parity indicates which side of the street the odd numbers in the segment are located:
Left side of the street
Right side of the street
Both sides of the street
STATE State abbreviation.
STATE_FIPS The state FIPS code.
STREET_SIDE The matched address is on the following side of the street:
Left side of the street.
Right side of the street.
Both sides of the street.
Unknown side of the street.
This is relative to the segment end points and the segment direction (SEGMENT_DIRECTION).
SuiteLink record match.
No SuiteLink match.
This address was not processed through SuiteLink.
TYPE Street type.
TYPE_SHORT Postdir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
UNIT_NUMBER Unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
UNIT_TYPE Unit type (APT, STE, etc.). Not applicable to street intersection matches.
URB_NAME The urbanization name for Puerto Rico.
ZIP 5-digit ZIP Code. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
ZIP_CARRTSORT Indicates the type of cart sort allowed:
Automation cart allowed, optional cart merging allowed.
Automation cart allowed, optional cart merging not allowed.
Automation cart not allowed, optional cart merging allowed.
Automation cart not allowed, optional cart merging not allowed.
ZIP_CLASS ZIP Classification Code:
Standard ZIP Code
Military ZIP Code
ZIP Code has P.O. Boxes only
Unique ZIP Code. (A unique ZIP Code is a ZIP Code assigned to a company, agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume to receive its own ZIP Code.)
ZIP_FACILITY Returns the USPS City State Name Facility Code:
Airport Mail Facility (AMF)
Community Post Office (CPO)
Area Distribution Center (ADC)
Sectional Center Facility (SCF)
Delivery Distribution Center (DDC)
General Mail Facility (GMF)
Bulk Mail Center (BMC)
Money Order Unit
Non-Postal Community Name, Former Postal Facility, or Place Name
Post Office
ZIP10 10-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4) with dash separator.
ZIP4 4-digit ZIP Code extension.
ZIP9 9-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4).