
On this page, Global Admins can manage plug-ins, taking any of the actions below. For a complete list of plug-ins, see the Plug-ins Guide.

Add a plug-in

To add a plug-in:

  1. Go to the Admin App.
  2. Open the Settings page and go to the Workflow tab.
  3. Click the Plug-ins page, displaying all plug-ins within a table.
  4. Select the plug-in and click the Add button at the top of the table.
  5. Enter the plug-in name and XML and click Add.
  6. You will receive a message confirming that the plug-in has been added .
Note: In the plug-in designer, the Plug-in Name field cannot be edited. In the XML that populates the plug-in designer, there is a "Plug-in Name" starting tag; if you or anyone changes that tag, plug-in name updates will not take effect when you save the plug-in.

The Plug-ins Guide covers all plug-ins supported in Evolve 20.2. Please consult with Winshuttle Customer Support if you would like to introduce changes to an existing plug-in or add a new custom plug-in.

View a plug-in

To view a plug-in:

  1. Go to the Admin App.
  2. Open the Settings page and go to the Workflow tab.
  3. Click the plug-ins page, displaying all plug-ins within a table.
  4. Plug-in names and definitions are available on this page.

Edit a plug-in

To edit a plug-in:

  1. Go to the Admin App.
  2. Open the Settings page and go to the Workflow tab.
  3. Click the plug-ins page, displaying all plug-ins within a table.
  4. Select the plug-in and click the Edit button at the top of the table.
  5. Select either the XML or the Designer option.
  6. Make the changes you require and click Save.
  7. You will receive a message confirming that the plug-in has been updated.

Delete a plug-in

To delete a plug-in:

  1. Go to the Admin App.
  2. Open the Settings page and go to the Workflow tab.
  3. Click the plug-ins page, displaying all plug-ins within a table.
  4. Select the plug-in and click the Delete button at the top of the table.
  5. Enter the plug-in name and XML and click Delete.
  6. You will receive a message confirming that the plug-in has been deleted.

Add a custom plug-in

References required (all of these assemblies are available in the bin folder of the Evolve installed location):

  • 1. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll
  • 2. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
  • 3. Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • 4. Winshuttle.Finx.DAL.dll
  • 5. Winshuttle.Finx.Plugins.dll
  • 6. Winshuttle.Finx.SharedInfa.dll
  • 7. Winshuttle.Finx.Workflow.dll
  • 8. Winshuttle.Finx.Workflow.Shared.dll

 To run a background plug-in (with executor), add the following reference: 

  • 9. Winshuttle.Finx.Workflow.WF.dll

Write an interactive plug-in

This code will execute once the plugin action is reached in the workflow.

  1. Write a plug-in class that inherits PluginCommon and implement IWFPluginAction.
  2. All plug-in logic is written in the “OnWorkFlowEvent()” method.

Write a background plug-in

For background plug-in, an additional executor is necessary.