Relay Service

The .NET-based Windows relay service communicates between the relay service in the cloud and the relay worker installed in the internal network. It's required to run at all times.

Recommendation: We recommend the Azure Relay Service as a relay service. It facilitates your hybrid applications by enabling you to securely expose services that reside within a corporate enterprise network to the public cloud. It does this without having to open a firewall connection and without requiring intrusive changes to the corporate network infrastructure. For further information, please see Azure Hybrid Connections.

Resources - Azure Components

Azure Components Links

Role in the Evolve Portal Framework

Role Description

Azure Functions

Portal service Communicates with the Azure relay service to generate credentials.

Azure AD B2C

External user identity provider

Manages user account sign-up, sign-in, profile edit, and password resets - all from outside of the applications which have been developed to meet specific functionality.

Azure Storage

File storage Provides file storage for hosting an Angular-based user interface (UI).

Azure CDN

Portal UI

Offers a secured, public facing UI component which is the landing page for your external users (your vendor and customer users).

Azure Hybrid Connections

Relay service

Communicates between the relay service in the cloud and the relay worker installed in the internal network.

As used in the App Service, each hybrid connection correlates to a single TCP host and port combination.

Winshuttle custom built component Relay worker Manages the request sent to the relay service, and acts as a proxy for the internally-hosted Evolve instance. A Winshuttle custom built component.