Custom Output Fields
This section lists the unique output fields for USA. Unless otherwise noted, these fields can be returned for both forward and reverse geocoding.
The following categories of output fields are defined:
Quality Descriptors Output Fields
The Quality Descriptors output fields provide information about the results of the matching and Geocode processes.
Field Name | Description |
MATCH_CODE USA.Match Code | Match codes indicate the portions of the address that matched or did not match to the reference file. For descriptions of match codes, see Match Code Descriptions in the appendix. |
LOC_CODE USA.Location Code | Location codes indicate the accuracy of the assigned geocode. For descriptions of location codes, see Address Location Codes in the appendix. |
MM_RESULT_CODE USA.MM Result Code | The MapMarker result code for this candidate. See result codes in Global Result Codes in the appendix. |
Parsed Address Output Fields
The Parsed Address output fields provide the components of a matched address which have been parsed and standardized by the geocoder.
Field Name | Description |
ADDRLINE USA.Parsed Address Line | The address line for single line input addresses. |
CITY USA.Parsed City | The abbreviated city name from the last line of the input or output address;
the value from NAME_CITY USA.ParsedCityName or PREF_CITY USA.ParsedPreferredCity . |
COUNTY_NAME USA.Parsed County Name | The county name. |
FIRM_NAME USA.Parsed Firm Name | The name of firm from the USPS data or the input firm name. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
HOUSE_NUMBER USA.Parsed House Number | The house number of input or output address. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
LAST_LINE USA.Parsed Last Line | The complete last line of the address. |
MAINADDRLINE USA.Parsed Main Address | The complete first line of the address. |
NAME USA.Parsed Name | The street name. |
NAME_CITY USA.Parsed City Name | The city name for the matched address from the City-State record. |
PREF_CITY USA.Parsed Preferred City | The preferred city name for the output ZIP Code of the matched address. |
STATE USA.Parsed State | The state abbreviation. |
UNIT_NUMBER USA.Parsed Unit Number | The unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
UNIT_TYPE USA.Parsed Unit Type | The unit type (APT, STE, etc.). Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
ZIP USA.Parsed Zip | 5-digit ZIP Code. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
ZIP4 USA.Parsed Zip4 | 4-digit ZIP Code extension. |
ZIP9 USA.Parsed Zip9 | 9-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4). |
ZIP10 USA.Parsed Zip10 | 10-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4) with dash separator. |
Point Output Fields
The Point output fields provide additional information about the geocode resulting from a match using point-level data.
Field Name | Description |
NEAREST_DIST USA.Nearest Distance | Gives the distance, in feet, from the input
location to the matched street segment, point address, or intersection.
Note: For reverse geocoding only. |
PARCEN_ELEVATION USA.Parcen Elevation | The elevation of the geocode at the parcel centroid. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
POINT_ID USA.Point ID | The unique point ID of the matched record when matched to point-level data. Blank if the matched record is not from point-level data. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
Centerline Output Fields
Centerline matching is used with point-level matching to tie a point-level geocode with its parent street segment. This type of match provides you with additional data about the parent street segment that is not available with only a point-level match. The output information also includes the bearing and distance from the point data geocode to the centerline match.
Field Name | Description |
BEARING USA.Centerline Bearing | For centerline candidates, provides the compass direction, in decimal degrees, from the point data match to the centerline match. Measured clockwise from 0 degrees north. |
BLOCK_LEFT USA.Centerline Left Block | For centerline candidates, the Census block ID from the left side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
BLOCK_RIGHT USA.Centerline Right Block | For centerline candidates, the Census block ID from the right side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
BLOCK_SFX_LEFT USA.Centerline Left Block | For centerline candidates, the current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data. |
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHT USA.Centerline Right Block | For centerline candidates, the current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data. |
CENTERLINE_DATATYPE USA.CenterLine Datatype | For centerline candidates, the data type used to make the centerline match.
CENTERLINE_IS_ALIAS USA.Centerline Is Alias | For centerline candidates, returns 'True' if the matched centerline record was located via an alias index. |
CENTERLINE_LAT USA.CenterLine Latitide | For centerline candidates, the latitude in millionths. |
CENTERLINE_LON USA.CenterLine Longitude | For centerline candidates, the longitude in millionths. |
CENTERLINE_NAME USA.Centerline Name | For centerline candidates, the primary street name. |
CENTERLINE_NEAREST_DIST USA.Centerline Nearest Distance | For centerline candidates, gives the distance, in feet, from the point-level match to the centerline match. |
CENTERLINE_POSTDIR USA.Centerline Post Directional | For centerline candidates, the street postfix directional. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
CENTERLINE_PREDIR USA.Centerline Pre Directional | for centerline candidates, the street prefix directional. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
CENTERLINE_QCITY USA.Centerline QCity | For centerline candidates, the state, city, or finance numbers. |
CENTERLINE_ROAD_CLASS USA.Centerline Road Class | For centerline candidates, the road class code:
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_DIRECTION USA.Centerline Segment Direction | For centerline candidates, gives the direction of the segment:
CENTERLINE_SEG_HIRANGE USA.Centerline Segment HiRange | For centerline candidates, provides the high house number in the segment. |
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_PARITY USA.Centerline Segment Parity | For centerline candidates, provides the segment parity. The parity indicates
which side of the street the odd numbers in the segment are located:
CENTERLINE_SEG_LORANGE USA.Centerline Segment LoRange | For centerline candidates, provides the low house number in the segment. |
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_ID USA.Centerline Segment ID | For centerline candidates, the unique segment ID from data vendors. |
CENTERLINE_TYPE USA.Centerline Type | For centerline candidates, provides the street type. |
Intersection Output Fields
The Intersection output fields provide data about the second segment in an intersection match.
Field Name | Description |
BLOCK_LEFT2 USA.Block Left 2 | For intersection matches, the Census block ID from the left side of the street for the second segment in an intersection. |
BLOCK_RIGHT2 USA.Block Right 2 | For intersection matches, the Census block ID from the right side of the street for the second segment in the intersection. |
BLOCK_SFX_LEFT2 USA.Block SFX Left 2 | For intersection matches, the current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography for the second segment in the intersection. |
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHT2 USA.Block SFX Right 2 | For intersection matches, the current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography for the second segment in the intersection. |
CBSA_DIVISION_NAME2 USA.CBSA Division Name 2 | For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division name for the second segment in the intersection. |
CBSA_DIVISION_NUMBER2 USA.CBSA Division Number 2 | For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division number for the second segment in the intersection. |
CBSA_NAME2 USA.CBSA Name 2 | For intersection matches, the name of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) for the second segment in the intersection. |
CBSA_NUMBER2 USA.CBSA Number 2 | For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number for the second segment in the intersection. |
COUNTY_NAME2 USA.County Name 2 | For intersection matches, the County name for the second segment in the intersection. |
COUNTY2 USA.County 2 | For intersection matches, the county FIPS code for the second segment in the intersection. |
CSA_NAME2 USA.CSA Name 2 | For intersections matches, the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name for the second segment in the intersection. |
CSA_NUMBER2 USA.CSA Number 2 | For intersection matches, the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) number for the second segment in the intersection. |
DATATYPE2 USA.Data Type 2 | For intersection matches, the type of data used to make the match for the
second segment in the intersection.
METRO_FLAG2 USA.Metro Flag 2 | Indicates whether the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address
is located is a metropolitan area or a micropolitan area. One of the following:
NAME2 USA.Name 2 | For intersection matches, the street name for the second segment of the intersection. |
POSTDIR2 USA.Post Directional 2 | For intersection matches, the postfix direction of the second street in the intersection. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
PREDIR2 USA.Pre Directional 2 | For intersection matches, the prefix direction of the second street in the intersection. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
ROAD_CLASS2 USA.Road Class 2 | For intersection matches, the road class code of the second segment in the
SEG_HIRANGE2 USA.Seg Hi Range 2 | For intersection matches, provides the high house number of the second segment in the intersection. |
SEG_LORANGE2 USA.Seg Lo Range 2 | For intersection matches, provides the low house number of the second segment in the intersection. |
SEGMENT_DIRECTION2 USA.Segment Direction 2 | For intersection matches, gives the direction of the second segment in the
SEGMENT_ID2 USA.Segment ID 2 | For intersection matches, the Segment ID (TLID) or unique ID from premium data vendors for the second segment in the intersection. |
SEGMENT_PARITY2 USA.Segment Parity 2 | For intersection matches, provides the segment parity for the second segment in
the intersection. The parity indicates which side of the street the odd numbers in
the segment are located:
TYPE2 USA.Type 2 | For intersection matches, the street type for the second segment in the intersection. |
Census Output Fields
Census output fields contain U.S. Census information about the address.
Field Name | Description |
BLOCK USA.Block | 15-digit census block ID/census FIPS code, using the syntax
sscccttttttgbbb where:
COUNTY USA.County | The county FIPS code. |
STATE_FIPS USA.State FIPS | The state FIPS code. |
Postal Output Fields
The Postal output fields contain detailed postal information for the address.
Field Name | Description |
ALT_FLAG USA.Alt Flag | Alternate/base record indicator:
CART USA.CART | Carrier route ID. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
CHECK_DIGIT USA.Check Digit | The check digit. |
CTYST_KEY USA.County State Key | USPS city state key (an alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a locale in the USPS city state product). |
DFLT USA.DFLT | Indicates the return status of HI_RISE_DFLT USA.Highrise DFLT and
R_RTE_DFLT USA.Rural Routes :
DPBC USA.DPBC Code | Delivery Point Bar Code. |
EWS_MATCH USA.EWS Match | Indicates if an EWS match was made:
GOVT_FLAG USA.Govt Flag | The government building indicator:
HI_RISE_DFLT USA.Hi Rise Dflt | Indicates if the match was made to a highrise.
LOT_CODE USA.Lot Code | Lot ascending and descending value. Only available for addresses that can be
standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the
output address does not DPV confirm.
LOT_NUM USA.Lot Number | 4-digit eLot number. Requires an input address that can be standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the output address does not DPV confirm. |
MAIL_STOP USA.Mail Stop | Returns address information appearing after mail stop designator words: MSC, MS, MAILSTOP, MAIL STOP, ATTN, ATTENTION. |
PMB_DESIGNATOR USA.PMB Designator | PMB designator (always “PMB”). |
PMB_NUMBER USA.PMB Number | PMB number. |
R_RTE_DFLT USA.Rural Routes | Match indicator for rural routes.
URB_NAME USA.URB Name | The urbanization name for Puerto Rico. |
ZIP_CARRTSORT USA.Zip Carrt Sort | Indicates the type of cart sort allowed:
ZIP_CLASS USA.Zip Class | ZIP Classification Code:
ZIP_FACILITY USA.Zip Facility | Returns the USPS City State Name Facility Code:
Short Address Output Fields
The short address output fields contain abbreviated elements of the matched address.
Field Name | Description |
ADDRLINE_SHORT USA.Short Addressline | Shortest possible address line that can be constructed from available short street name and other address line components. |
CITY_SHORT USA.Short City Name | The output city name that appears in LASTLINE_SHORT . This
value is determined by logic similar to CITY . Whenever possible,
this city name is 13 characters or less.This output city name is determined by CASS rules. This can be either City State Name, City State Name Abbreviation, or Preferred Last Line City State Name. |
LASTLINE_SHORT USA.Short Last line | The address last line. Whenever possible, this field is 29 characters or less:
NAME_SHORT USA.Short Street Name | The short street name used to construct the short address line. All attempts
are made to abbreviate this name according to the process specified by the USPS in
the 30 Character Abbreviation - Cycle M Flow Chart. If an abbreviated address
cannot be constructed that is 30 characters or less, this field then contains the
same street name value as the |
POSTDIR_SHORT USA.Short Post Directional | Postdir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field. |
PREDIR_SHORT USA.Short Pre Directional | Predir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field. |
TYPE_SHORT USA.Short Street Type | Postdir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field. |
Segment Output Fields
The segment output fields contain information on the street segment identified by the data provider.
Field Name | Description |
BLOCK_LEFT USA.Left Block ID | Census block ID from the left side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
BLOCK_RIGHT USA.Right Block ID | Census block ID from the right side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
BLOCK_SFX_LEFT USA.Left SFX Block | The current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data. |
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHT USA.Right SFX Block | The current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data. |
DATATYPE USA.Data Type | The type of data used to make the match.
DATATYPE_NAME USA.DataType Name | The source data vendor for the candidate match. |
HIRANGE USA.High Range | House number at the high end of the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
HIUNIT USA.High Unit | High unit number for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
HIZIP4 USA.High ZIP+4 | High ZIP+4 for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
IS_ALIAS USA.Is Street Alias | The first character:
The next 2 characters:
LORANGE USA.Low Range | House number at the low end of the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
LOUNIT USA.Low Unit | Low unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
LOZIP4 USA.Low ZIP+4 | Low ZIP+4 for this range. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
POSTDIR USA.Street Post Directional | Postfix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
PREDIR USA.Street Pre Directional | Prefix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE. |
QCITY USA.QCity | State, city, or finance numbers. |
RANGE_PARITY USA.Range Parity | Indicates the parity of the house number in the range:
REC_TYPE USA.Rec Type | The range record type:
ROAD_CLASS USA.Road Class | The road class code:
SEG_HIRANGE USA.Segment High Range | Provides the high house number in the segment. |
SEG_LORANGE USA.Segment Low Range | Provides the low house number in the segment. |
SEGMENT_DIRECTION USA.Segment Direction | Gives the direction of the segment:
SEGMENT_ID USA.Segment ID | Segment ID (TLID) or unique ID from premium data vendors. Not applicable to street intersection matches. |
SEGMENT_PARITY USA.Segment Parity | Provides the segment parity. The parity indicates which side of the street the
odd numbers in the segment are located:
STREET_SIDE USA.Street Side | The matched address is on the following side of the street:
TYPE USA.ThoroughfareType | Street type. |
Other Output Fields
The Other output fields contain additional information about the match.
Field Name | Description |
AUX_USERDATA USA.Aux User Data | User data from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file. |
CBSA_DIVISION_NAME USA.CBSA Division Name | Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division name. |
CBSA_DIVISION_NUMBER USA.CBSA Division Number | Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division number. |
CBSA_NAME USA.CBSA Name | The name of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address is
located. A CBSA is a collective term that refers to both metropolitan and micropolitan areas. A metropolitan area has a population of more than 50,000, and a micropolitan area has a population between 10,000 and 49,999. For more information, see Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas section of the U.S. Census Bureau website: |
CBSA_NUMBER USA.CBSA Number | Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number. |
CSA_NAME USA.CSA Name | Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name. |
CSA_NUMBER USA.CSA Number | Combined Statistical Area (CSA) number. |
LAT USA.LAT | The latitude of the address. |
LON USA.LON | The longitude of the address. |
MATCHED_DB USA.Matched DB | Index of Geocode dataset for matched record. |
MCD_NAME USA.MCD Name | Minor Civil Division name from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match. |
MCD_NUMBER USA.MCD Number | Minor Civil Division number from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match. |
METRO_FLAG USA.Metro Flag | Indicates whether the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address
is located is a metropolitan area or a micropolitan area. One of the following:
PERCENT_GEOCODE | Percentage along the street segment to the interpolated match. The range is 0.0
- 100.0. The range is always 0.0 for point data. Note: For reverse geocoding
only. |
RESOLVED_LINE USA.Resolved Line | Indicates which line in a 2-line address was used to resolve the address. |