API Metering

As part of Digital Access APIs and SAP Data API, we collect API usage information. This helps us identify the usage for each API for billing purposes, and helps user to track their API usage. API usage is visible at Solution level (in solutions) and in Evolve and Studio manager Reports.

API Usage in Solutions

To see the API usage for solutions:

  1. Go to Solutions.

  2. Select the Solution for which you want to see API usage.

  3. Click on API Usage. You can now see the API usage for the selected Solution.

Below fields define the API Usage:



Activity Date Time Date and time when the Transaction file was executed.
Category Category provided in the API call
Client Product Studio/Integration Server. Here Integration Server means run by Worker.
Connect User Name Name of the user whose license was used to execute this entry.
CRM Customer ID Customer ID from the Salesforce.
CRM License ID License ID as per Salesforce.
Customer Name Customer name as per Salesforce.
Data File The complete path of the file on the client machine.
License The License (Module).
Manual Time Time taken to upload each record manually via SAP.
Product Transaction or Query.
Product Version The Studio Version.
Reason For Run Reason for run as provided by the runner.
Records Uploaded The number of records uploaded.
Run Errors Number of error rows.
Run Time Time taken to run the file.
SAP Client The SAP Client.
SAP System The SAP System ID.
SAP T-Code The Tcode.
SAP User The SAP username.
Shuttle Time Time taken to upload each record via Winshuttle Studio.
Source The Run type.
Time Saved ManualUploadTime - ShuttleUploadtime
  • This is the FormLibrary + Solution Name + .txr or .qsq for SAP Data API

  • This is the FormLibrary + Solution Name + .txr for Process Extension API Transaction

  • This is the FormLibrary + Solution Name + Query file name for Process Extension API Query (multi)

Total Time Saved TimeSaved * number of records
Upload Time Date and time when the Transaction file was executed.

API Reports

We create separate reports for Digital Access APIs and SAP Data API and these reports show data for each month. API Reports have following fields:



Execution Month Month for which the data is added
Category Category provided in the API call
Records Uploaded Number of records uploaded/downloaded to SAP using API solutions (including the error records )

SAP API and Metering: Default Reports for Feature Data

If you are are upgrading from 20.0 GA/20.1GA to 20.2 GA/20.2.2 , SAP Data API TXR run usage and Digital Access API TXR run usage reports are not getting generated by default.

Global Admin or Reports Admin can create these reports manually under Reports page of Evolve Site - Admin App.

  • SAP Data API Transaction Usage

Select Top (100) Percent RPT_TransactionRoiView.Tag AS 'Category',DateName(Month, RPT_TransactionRoiView.ActivityDateTime) + ' ' + Cast(Year(RPT_TransactionRoiView.ActivityDateTime) As nvarchar) AS 'Execution Month',Sum(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RecordsUploaded) + Sum(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RunErrors) AS 'Records Uploaded' From [dbo].[RPT_TransactionRoiView] Where OperationType = 'Run' and ProcessSource = 'SI_API'

GROUP BY [Tag], DateName(Month,ActivityDateTime) + ' ' + cast(YEAR(ActivityDateTime) as nvarchar), EOMonth(ActivityDateTime) ORDER BY EOMonth(ActivityDateTime) desc

  • Digital Access API Transaction Usage

Select Top (100) Percent RPT_TransactionRoiView.Tag AS 'Category',DateName(Month, RPT_TransactionRoiView.ActivityDateTime) + ' ' + Cast(Year(RPT_TransactionRoiView.ActivityDateTime) As nvarchar) AS 'Execution Month',Sum(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RecordsUploaded) + Sum(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RunErrors) AS 'Records Uploaded' From [dbo].[RPT_TransactionRoiView] Where OperationType = 'Run' and ProcessSource = 'PE_API'

GROUP BY [Tag], DateName(Month,ActivityDateTime) + ' ' + cast(YEAR(ActivityDateTime) as nvarchar), EOMonth(ActivityDateTime) ORDER BY EOMonth(ActivityDateTime) desc