Digital Access APIs

Digital Access APIs allow third party system to integrate with Evolve workflow system. These APIs are secured with API Gateway and its supported authentication mechanism.


To leverage the Digital Access API below are the prerequisites:

  1. The “Digital Access License for process” must be activated in the Evolve system.

  2. Value of the key “ProcessExtensionEnable” should be set True.

Administrator can disable this feature temporarily from Application System → Infrastructure → Advance Setting. This feature can be disabled by removing the key ProcessExtensionEnable and the feature can be re-activated by adding the category: "System" and key: "ProcessExtensionEnable" value to True.

Note: System must have a valid “Digital Access license” activated for adding ProcessExtensionEnable key. Activating the Digital Access license will automatically activate this feature with automatic addition of this key.

Enable/Disable API for a Composer Solution

By default, all solutions i.e. the Excel solutions and Form solutions are enabled to be accessible from API. Hence, as soon as a license is activated all existing solutions will be accessible from API. A solution can explicitly be excluded from API and this will restrict the access of specific solution from API; which means a process cannot be started or an assignment cannot be completed for excluded solutions. This can be done by selecting the Solution and changing the API properties of that solution from Solution Grid. Only App Administrator or Solution Developer can view the API Properties button and can change the value for this Property.

API Usage Details for a Composer solution

User can check the API usage for a solution by selecting the solution and clicking on the API Usage button from the options. For Form Solution, App Administrator can see the usage for Query as well as Transaction. For Excel Solution, App Administrator can see only Transaction usage.

PayLoad Generation

User can download the Payload from solution grid for both Form Solution and Excel Solution. To download Payload for Form Solution in JSON format click on JSON Payload button and to download Payload in XML Format click on XML Payload button. For Excel Solution user can download the Payload only in JSON format. To download the Payload select the solution in solution grid and click on Payload button.

  • A form must be deployed atleast once while downloading XML\JSON payload for a form solution. The XML\JSON payload downloaded will be of the latest version of the form deployed.
  • The XML\JSON payload includes any default values provided on the form for normal or repeating fields.
  • Use getDocument API to download current XML\JSON payload for the running processes: “<EvolveSiteUrl>/svr/api/v1/Processextn/GetDocumentDataByProcess/Form/{Process-Id}/XML" or “<EvolveSiteUrl>/svr/api/v1/Processextn/GetDocumentDataByProcess/Form/{Process-Id}/JSON"
  • Above mentioned API will return XML\JSON payload with default or provided values for the running process.
  • While downloading JSON Payload, if the user is a Global Admin or App Admin, then the AppName parameter will be added to the download JSON Payload. If user is not an admin, then the user will have to add the AppName parameter manually after downloading the Payload.

For Evolve URL, user has to provide the Port number unless it is not the default port number. For example if we have an Evolve site at default Port 80 then we can use both of the below evolve URLs for accessing API.

  • http://cha-de-vstpnx1.wsdt.local:80/svr/api/v1/Processextn/GetAllAssignments

  • http://cha-de-vstpnx1.wsdt.local/svr/api/v1/Processextn/GetAllAssignments.

For three security options there are following route prefixes that need be used to hit the API:

Client Secret : “<Evolve URL>/svr”

Secure Token : “<Evolve URL>/svr”

Certificate : “<Evolve URL>/svrc”

Below are the different Digital Access APIs:

API Name HTTP Method Route Description
CompleteAssignment POST <RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/CompleteAssignment This API allows to complete an existing open assignment.
GetAllAssignments GET <RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/GetAllAssignments This API returns all open assignments with limited OData filter support. This allows to filter data for specific User or Solution by passing OData filter in API URL.
GetDocumentDataByProcess GET

<RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/GetDocumentDataByProcess/<document type>/<processid>/<format>

document type: “Excel” or “Form

format: “json” or “xml”. Works for only Form document.

This API Returns the latest copy of process’s Document for specified Process ID.
StartExcelProcess POST
  • <RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/StartExcelProcess/Template

  • <RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/StartExcelProcess/File

This API starts an Excel Workflow process. The submitted Excel file gets submitted to respective solution library and also a new process gets started on this new document.
StartFormJsonProcess POST <RoutePrefix>/api/v1/Processextn/StartFormJsonProcess This API starts a Form workflow process. The initial form data should be send in JSON format. It should be a valid Form JSON as no data validation being performed or field’s rules are executed when saving this form data.
StartFormProcess POST


This API allows to start a Form workflow process. The initial form data should be send in XML format. It should be a valid Form XML because data validation or rules execution is not performed while saving this form data.