United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Continent Europe
Region Located off the north-western coast of continental Europe
Area 248,532 km2 (95,960 sq mi)
Coastline 12,429 km (7,723 mi)
Capital City London
Population 5,536,146 (2021 estimate)
Currency Pound sterling (GBP)
Time zone UTC (GMT) and UTC+1 (BST, WEST) in Summer (DST)
ISO 3166-1 codes GB; GBR; 826
Address Format* A correct postal address must contain a minimum of information needed for correct sorting and delivery, and will contain a number of the following elements: Addressee identification; Building; Dependent thoroughfare; Thoroughfare; Double dependent locality; Dependent locality; POST TOWN; County; POSTCODE; UNITED KINGDOM
Postcode* Between 5 and 7 alphanumeric characters below the name of the locality, with a space before the last 3 alphanumeric characters

Available Bundle(s)

Geocoding Precision Availability

Address Verification Availability

Address Autocomplete Availability

Maximum​ Matching​ Capability

Postcodes Language(s)

Master Location Data Available

World Streets (Option 1)​

World Address Point (Option 2)​

MLD Bundle (Option 3)​

EMEA Bundle

Á la carte datasets

Street Interpolated​

Address Points


Street level​

Address Point level

Units Yes



Yes; includes Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey