Republic of South Africa

Continent Africa
Region Southern tip of Africa
Area 1,220,813 km2 (471,359 sq mi)
Coastline 2,798 km (1,739 mi)
Capital City Pretoria
Population 60,142,978 (2021 estimate)
Currency South African rand (ZAR)
Time zone UTC+2 (SAST)
ISO 3166-1 codes ZA; ZAF; 710
Address Format* XY

The last line (above the country name) always contains the postcode. The second last line contains locality or office name. The third last line contains the postal delivery point. The last three lines (above the country name) are formatted according to three standard address types. ​

• Type 1: Physical addresses: The postcode identifies the delivery locality. The name of this locality is in the line above the postcode. Above this line is the delivery point number + street name or section. Physical addresses in areas without street names are informal area addresses. ​

• Type 2: Rural addresses: The postcode identifies the delivery Post Office. The name of this Post Office is in the line above the postcode. Above this line is the delivery point number + village name. A five- or six digit number identifies the delivery point in the village. ​

• Type 3: Postal delivery service addresses: The postcode identifies the Post Office. The name of this Post Office is on the line above the postcode. Above this line is the delivery point (PO Box or Private Bag) number. ​

The second last line (locality or post office) should be in upper case. The locality / post office and correct postcode fully identify the postal delivery area or office.

Postcode* 4 digits below the name of the locality or post office

Available Bundle(s)

Geocoding Precision Availability

Address Verification Availability

Address Autocomplete Availability

Maximum​ Matching​ Capability

Postcodes Language(s)

Master Location Data Available

World Streets (Option 1)​

World Address Point (Option 2)​

EMEA Bundle

Á la carte datasets

Street Interpolated​

Address Points


Street level​

Full address Yes


Planned TBD