Republic of Korea
Continent | Asia |
Region | Southern portion of the Korean Peninsula |
Area | 100,032 km2 (38,623 sq mi) |
Coastline | 8,640 km (5,369 mi) |
Capital City | Seoul |
Population | 51,745,000 (2021 estimate) |
Currency | Korean Republic won (₩) (KRW) |
Time zone | UTC+9 (Korea Standard Time) |
ISO 3166-1 codes | KR; KOR; 410 |
Address Format* | XYZ |
Postcode* | 5 digits to the right of the locality name |
Available Bundle(s) |
Geocoding Precision Availability |
Address Verification Availability |
Address Autocomplete Availability |
Maximum Matching Capability |
Postcodes | Language(s) |
Master Location Data Available |
World Streets (Option 1) World Address Point (Option 2) APAC Bundle Á la carte datasets |
Street Interpolated Address Points |
Premise |
Street level Address Point level |
Full address | Yes |
Korean Latinized Korean |
Planned TBD |