Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Working with groups

With Groups you can organize information in your forms by grouping elements together into different sections. Once you organize a basic form with groups, you can add different form elements (such as drop-down boxes, tables, graphics, or text boxes, to name just a few) to the groups to create your form.

On this page

By default, a new form begins with one group.

For example, in a purchase request form, you may want to group Requester information in one section, Supplier information in another, and line items and prices for the purchase request into a third section.

During the form creation process, you can change, add, delete, or re-organize groups as you see fit.

For example, you might want to group fields based upon Requester information, Supplier information, and Purchasing Information. You may also want a group for your company’s logo and/or header.

Winshuttle Composer Group controls on the Form Ribbon

In the example below, some groups have been created as the beginning structure for a new form.

Composer Form Groups

Adding a new group to a form

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  1. On the Composer ribbon, click the Form tab.
  2. Click New Group. The group will be added in the canvas.
  3. In the canvas, click the name of the group to rename it.

Moving groups in a form

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  1. In the canvas, click the group you wish to move.
  2. Drag and drop the group to the desired location in the form. Or, on the Form Tab ribbon, click one of the following:
    • Top: moves the selected group to the top of the form.
    • Bottom: moves the selected group to the bottom of the form.
    • Up: moves the selected group up.
    • Down: moves the selected group down.

    Tip: You can also move a group by right-clicking the group, and then clicking the option (Top, Bottom, Up, Down) on the menu.

Creating sub-groups

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Sub-groups provide the same functionality as a standard Group and simply provide additional flexibility when designing a form layout. They are rendered as just another Element within the parent Group.

In the Properties Pane, under Container Elements, click New Sub-Group.

Creating a sub-group screen

Make sure of the following when working with repeating groups or repeating tables

When working with Repeatingelements of any type (i.e. Repeating Groups and/or Repeating Tables) within a Web Service (or elsewhere), make sure of the following: 

  • Any field within a Repeating Content folder within the Form Data tree is also in the form within a repeating container.
  • All non-repeating fields in the Form Data tree are non-repeating in the form.

Failure to follow the above guidelines may result in unintended behavior while working with repeating elements when running a Web Service.