Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Working with labels and sub-labels

Some form elements have sub-labels, which are text elements displayed below an element that can be used to provide the reader with more information about a field or what to do.

For example, you may have a textbox field where the user is supposed to enter a name, and the sub-label below the field can say "Please enter the requester’s full name" or something similar.

Changing label text

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  1. In the form view, in the canvas, click the text label for the element.
  2. Type a new label, and then press Enter.
  3. If the element exists in multiple form views, a dialog box asks if you want to update the label for all views, or for the current view only. (Click whichever is appropriate.)

Changing sub-label text

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Sub-labels can be used to provide more information to the reader about a field on a form to help them fill it out.

To change a sub-label, do the following:

  1. Double-click the default sub-label (SubLabel) for an element.
  2. Type a new sub-label, and then press Enter.

Tip: Sub-labels are a little like tooltips, except they will always appear on the form itself and do not require a mouse hover to be seen. You can use them to provide the user with additional information or instructions about how to fill out a form properly.

Showing or hiding sub-labels

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Sub-labels display by default, but there may be times where you do not need or want them shown on a form.

Sub-labels can be enabled or disabled for a form in 1 of 3 ways:

  • Form level: Turns on or off all sub-labels for a form.
  • Group level: Turns on or off all sub-labels for a group in a form
  • Element level: Turns on or off the sub-label for a single element in a form.

See below for instructions for each method.

Showing or hiding all sub-labels for a form

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  1. Click , and then click Preferences.
  2. Click the Form tab.
  3. Under Show Sub-Labels by Default, click the drop arrow and then select False (to hide the sub-labels), or True (to show them).

  4. Click OK.

Showing or hiding sub-labels for a group

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  1. Click the Form tab.
  2. In the form canvas, click a form group.
  3. In the Properties pane, click Properties.
  4. Next to Show Sub-Labels, click the drop arrow, and then select False (to hide the sub-labels), or True (to show them).

Showing or hiding sub-labels for an element

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  1. Click the element name.
  2. On the Properties tab, next to Show Labels / Show Sub Labels, click the drop arrow, and then select False (to hide the sub-labels), or True (to show them).