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Use the Bulk Upload API

If you are uploading large amounts of data, and the data is not critical, you can use the Bulk Upload API to split the job into batches that run in parallel, which means that they start at the same time instead of one after another.

After you start the run, Studio uploads the data to Salesforce where it is processed. Because processing might take a long time for large data sets, you can come back later and use the Bulk Request Manager to update the Log columns and confirm that all the records were uploaded successfully.

You must have Manage Data Integration permissions to manage bulk uploads.

To specify the maximum number of files in each batch, click File, click Options, click Run Settings, and then change the value in the Asynchronous (Bulk API) - Number of records to upload in one API call box.

Run the bulk upload

  1. On the Run tab, check the Use Bulk API check box.
  2. Specify any other run settings, and then click Data Validation.
  3. If the validation returns no errors, click Run.
  4. Type a description for the bulk run job, and then click OK.

    As each record is uploaded to Salesforce for processing, the Log column displays the Job ID.

Update the run log

  1. On the Run tab, click Bulk Manager.

    The Bulk Request Manager shows the job, including the job description that you provided.

    job id under jobs run history

  2. Click Refresh Jobs Status.

    refresh jobs status button

  3. When the job that you ran shows a job status of Completed, select click Open Script to Write Logs.

    Studio returns to the Run tab.

  4. On the ribbon, click Write Log.

    The Log column is updated for each record that was uploaded and Salesforce returns any ID values that were created.

Confirm the job status on Salesforce

The Bulk Request Manager provides script details at the bottom of the screen, including a Job ID link.

job id link under job properties

Click the link to open the Bulk Data Load Job page on