Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

5-4. Customize notifications and SLAs

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In this step we will use Composer's Email Notification Editor to customize some of the automated email notifications sent during the workflow process.

See Working with messages for more information.

Customize email notifications

  1. On the Composer ribbon, click the Workflow tab.
  2. In the Properties pane, next to AssignmentMessage, click [...] (the options button).
  3. The Edit Assignment Message screen opens.

  4. Now you can customize the message text and use tokens (variables) that represent data in the form and workflow and put that data into the assignment text. For example, in the screenshot above, the [$Activity.DueDate] token is the due date for the assigned task.

    Tokens can also represent form fields, SharePoint fields, and other data derived from the workflow or form.

    To add a Token to the email message: On the Editor ribbon, click the Insert Token icon [ ] to insert a token.

    For purposes of his tutorial and demo we do not need to walk through the entire process of creating notification messages, but feel free to experiment with the Email message editor and using various tokens to familiarize yourself with them.

Customize SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

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For this step we will customize the SLA (Service Level Agreement) that governs the workflow.

Like the previous step, options specified here are dependent upon your own environment, processes, and desired service level agreements.

  1. On the Composer ribbon, click the Workflow tab.
  2. In the Properties pane, below Advanced, set the following properties (leave others at default values):
    • Duration: Click in the field, and then type 5

For this tutorial you do not need to change any other properties, but feel free to explore the additional options available to you.

Composer - customize SLA options screenshot