Exporting process data
After successfully installing Winshuttle Designer, the installer creates two custom lists pre-configured with relevant field names and data types:
- The Winshuttle Process Status List is preconfigured to hold data on individual workflows that have been started. You can add additional fields to instances of this list to contain process data that might be relevant for a process summary list.
- The Winshuttle Assignment Status List is preconfigured to hold data on individual assignments that have been created as part of a running workflow. You can add your own relevant fields to instances of this list.
The fields in these lists are designed to contain Winshuttle Designer workflow data. All field names are prefixed with SV to prevent name conflicts with data that you might already have in your forms and document libraries.
For example, one of the fields in the Winshuttle Process Status List is named SVCreationDate, and that field will contain the creation date of a particular workflow in a populated list. By adding your own fields to forms status list instances, you can also have the system automatically synchronize your own data from your forms or document libraries to the status lists. Using this functionality, you can configure your workflows so there is a single SharePoint list that contains process and assignment data from all SharePoint sites in your organization. This type of list that aggregates data from numerous sources is also known as a rollup.
Configuring automatic export
To configure your workflows to automatically update process and assignment data into instances of these forms lists, you must configure the workflow with the location for them.
In Winshuttle Designer, set the URL to the site that contains these lists in the WinshuttleStatusListSite field. This should be the full URL that references the site.
For example, http://spserver/statusrollup would reference a site named statusrollup on your server.
After entering this URL, Designer will retrieve the list data, and it will present the lists with the proper types as a drop-down in the WinshuttleAssignmentStatusList and the WinshuttleProcessStatusList fields. You can then select the list to which to write process data. Once you have configured your workflow, the system will automatically write appropriate data to these lists as your processes progress.
To add your own data from your form or document library fields, add the fields with the exact name to the instance of the Winshuttle Designer Process Status List or the Winshuttle Assignment Status List. The system will synchronize these items each time it writes Winshuttle Designer data to the lists.