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Plug-ins are nodes within a workflow that interact in some way with SharePoint or external environments. Winshuttle Designer provides several plug-ins for commonly-used tasks.

The following sections describe each plug-in type in detail, and give examples of how they can be set.

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Designer plug-ins table

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Add Attachment

Delete Attachments

ODBC Query

Set SharePoint Column


Delete Item


Start Process

Clone Files

Delete SharePoint Site

Process Form Data

Update Due Date

Copy Attachments

Document Process Launch

Remove Item Permissions

Update Service

Copy Attachment Url

Execute Command Line

Rename Document

Update SharePoint List

Copy Document

Execute Powershell

Rename Process

Update SharePoint List Via Web Service

Copy Form

Export Form Data to ODBC

Replace Strings

Upload Document

Copy Referenced Documents

Export Form Data to OLEDB

Send Email


Create Folder

Export Process State

Set Column

Wait For Child Processes

Create SharePoint Site

Export Repeating Group

Set Column with Process Inheritance

Web Service

Deferred Column Update

Export Repeating Group to File

Set Form Data

Winshuttle Update

Deferred Copy Document

Form Monitor

Set Item Permissions

XSL Transformation

Deferred Set Form Data

Form Process Launch

Set Item Permissions Inheritance


Deferred Update Due Date

Launch Form

Set Referred SharePoint Items Column


Using the plug-in Sync attribute

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All Winshuttle Designer Plug-ins include an attribute called sync.  This value indicates whether or not the workflow should continue immediately after executing the plug-in’s code. 

  • If this value is set to True (the default), the workflow engine will execute the code associated with the plug-in, and once it completes, the engine will automatically mark the node as having been completed, and the workflow will progress. 
  • If this value is set to False, the workflow engine will not mark the node as having been completed, and thus, the workflow will not proceed.  It is then the responsibility of some other processing to mark the node as complete, allowing the workflow to proceed. 

An example of where this can be used is in the series of deferred plug-ins included with Designer.  A deferred version of a plug-in will insert the plug-in information into a queue, and then later be processed by SVService.  The actual plug-in in this case only writes the information to the database, and does not do any of the real processing. 

If you leave the sync attribute set to True, the workflow will continue immediately after the database write, since this is all the plug-in does.  In this case, the workflow will continue, and at some point in the future, SVService will run and do the underlying processing of the deferred plug-in.  This workflow continuation may or may not be what you want, depending on the circumstance.  If you set the sync attribute to False, the workflow will wait until SVService has completed the processing before continuing.

NOTE: See the Winshuttle Foundation Help for more information about SVService.

Important Note regarding plug-ins that update SharePoint Lists

Any plug-ins that update SharePoint lists cannot update SharePoint lists that contain columns with Lookup. These fields are considered read-only. Trying to assign a value to a read-only field crashes the process.

Plug-in Variants list

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Deployment variants enable you to specify values for parameters that depend upon the deployment profile. Variants can have different values for different profiles.

Example: A solution using the Add Attachment plug-in could have a different value for the file parameter depending upon which profile is used. A Development profile could use a value of D:\ (for the drive location), whereas the Publishing profile could use a value of C: drive.

The following table lists available variants associated with certain Plug-ins.



Add Attachment


Clone Files

sourcefile | sourcefolder | destinationfile | destinationfolder

Copy Attachments

directory | site | list | folder

Copy Attachment Url

site | list

Copy Document

directory | site | list | folder

Copy Form

site | list | folder | file

Copy Referenced Documents


Create Folder


Create SharePoint Site

sitecollectionurl | path

Deferred Copy Document

directory | site | list | folder

Delete Item

site | list | itemid

Delete SharePoint Site


Export Form Data To ODBC


Export Form Data To OleDB


Export Repeating Group

site | list

Export Repeating Group To File


Form Process Launch

site | sitegroup | usersite | userlist

ODBC Query


OleDB Query


Process Form Data


Remove Item Permissions

site | list | folder

Rename Document


Replace Strings

sourcepath | destinationsite | destinationfolder | destinationpath

Send Email

server | connectionstring

Set Column


Set Item Permissions

site | list | itemid | folder | filepath

Set Item Permissions Inheritance

site | list | itemid | folder | filepath

Set SharePoint Column

site | list

Start Process


Update SharePoint List

site | list

Update SharePoint List Via Web Service

site | list

Upload Document

site | list | folder | file

Web Service

wsdl | username | password | domain

Winshuttle Update

webservicename | statusfield | waitduration |user

XSL Transformation

file | xslsite | xsldocumentlibrary | xslfile