Copy Form

The Copy Form Plugin provides the ability to copy a specified Form View as a Read Only copy and place it in a File System Directory or a SharePoint Document Library/List. This Plugin will synchronize values in commonly named SharePoint Columns between the source and destination (If you have a column in both your Source and Destination that are the exact same name, the values will automatically be passed.) The copied file is in the *.MHT form.




The full file system path in which you would like to place the copied file into.


The name of the SharePoint Document Library/List Folder to copy the form to.


Yes/No setting to include or exclude the Process Data with the copied form. If set to true, use the ProcessControl control to view workflow data.


The SharePoint Document Library/List Name to which the copied form will be delivered to.


Name or Title to give the copied form when placed inside the new destination. You can use a form field or a SharePoint column for this value.

NOTE: All forms are saved as .MHT files. The form name can be a static string or the value of one or more SharePoint fields. You can also include [$Process.Id] and/or [$Assignment.Id] data.



The link of the SharePoint Site that holds the SharePoint Document Library/List. (This is not the direct link to your SharePoint Document Library/List.)


The name of the Form View in which you would like to copy. It is recommended that you create a specific for view for this so everything can be captured. If you have a Developers View or a WsPostProcessView, it is recommended you use that.

Inserting and configuring the Copy Form Plugin

  1. Add a Plugin Node to the workflow.

  2. Click the Plugin Node added in step 1 to select it.
  3. In the Properties Pane, configure the Property PlugInName to Copy Attachments

  4. In the Properties Pane, below PluginName property, select ValuePairs

  5. Click Add to add a new argument.
  6. Under site properties, under Arguments, click Name and then select site.

  7. In the Value field, insert the URL to your SharePoint Site where the SharePoint Document Library/List resides. (This is not the direct link to your SharePoint Document Library/List). Click OK.

  8. Click Add to select a new argument.
  9. In the list properties pane, under Arguments, click Name, and then select list.

  10. Set the Value Property to the name of the Folder in your SharePoint Document Library or List. Click OK.

  11. Click Add to add a New Argument
  12. Under view properties, under Arguments, click Name, and then select view.

  13. In the Edit Value box, enter the Name of the Form View in which you would like to Copy.

  14. Click Add to add a new argument
  15. Under name properties, under Arguments, click Name, and then select name

  16. In the Edit Value box, enter the name you would like to give the form. Note that a static value is not allowed. You may reference Promoted Fields (SharePoint Columns) in this argument.

  17. Click Add to add a new argument
  18. Under includeworkflowdataproperties, under Arguments, click Name and then select includeworkflowdata from the Name Property

  19. In the Edit Value box, type Yes. Click OK.

  20. Publish the Solution to your FormEx Site.