Deferred Set Form Data

The Deferred Set Form Data plug-in performs the same operation as the Set Form Data Plug-in (sets a value in a field in a form), but does it asynchronously with SVService. See the Winshuttle Workflow Administrator Guide for information about SVService.

Value Pair


value [index]

The value to which to set the form field.

xpath [index]

The XPath to the form field.

The following example sets the InfoPath field named my:Division to the value in the New Division SharePoint field, and the field named my:Name to the New Name SharePoint field.

  • value0 – [New Division]
  • xpath0 – //my:Division or /my:myFields/my:Division
  • Value1 – [New Name]
  • xpath1 – //my:Name or /my:myFields/my:Name