Delete Attachments

The Delete Attachments Plugin gives you the ability to have the Workflow delete an attachment from a Ws.Attachment control in your form.




The binding to your Ws.Attachment Control that holds the Attachments to be deleted.

Inserting and configuring the Delete Attachments Plugin

  1. Add a Plugin Node to your workflow.

  2. Click the Plugin Node added in Step 1.
  3. In the Properties Pane, configure the Property PlugInName to Delete Attachments

  4. To enter arguments: In the Properties pane, select the ValuePairs Property just below the PlugInName property.

  5. Clack Add to add a new argument.
  6. Under Arguments, click Name, and then select the binding property.

  7. In the Value field, insert the control binding to the Ws.Attachment Control that will hold the Attachments to be deleted.

  8. Publish your Winshuttle Solution to your FormEx Site.