Upload Document

The Upload Document plug-in copies a file from the file system to a SharePoint document library.

Value Pair



The path to the file that is being copied to the document library.


The name of the SharePoint document library to which to copy the document.


The list to which to upload the document.


True/False option to replace a document if it already exists in the document library. If omitted, it defaults to False.


The SharePoint site that contains the document library to which you want to upload the document.


  • file – d:\public files\documents\abc.doc
  • list – Shared Documents
  • replace – true
  • site – http://acme.com/documents

This example will upload the file at d:\public files\documents\abc.doc to the Shared Documents document library on the sitehttp://acme.com/documents. The document will be placed in the top-level of the document library. No subfolder will be used.