Winshuttle Update

The Winshuttle Update plug-in allows you to add a Winshuttle Web service to a workflow, and it is used for data in forms. By using this plug-in, you can dynamically perform SAP data operations within the workflow.

When a form uses web services through a button click, or through On Field Change or On Form Load, the logged in user's credentials are used for running the web service. This user must have a valid license, and the appropriate rights and SAP credentials defined in Winshuttle Central.

The Winshuttle Update plug-in uses the credentials under which SVService is running. The SVService admin must have a valid license, and the appropriate rights and SAP credentials defined in Winshuttle Central.

Winshuttle Update Parameters




The user login/credentials under which the Web service is running.


The name of the Webservice being run.


(Available in Designer 10.9 and later). An optional parameter whose value should be a form field that the user must manually add on the form. If this is a repeating Web service, then this field should be inside the repeating section. This field will be populated with the status of the web service execution.


(Available in Designer 10.9 and later.)This is a numeric parameter which denotes the maximum number of hours (0-999) to which the SVvervice will keep rescheduling to request the status of a Web Service request from the winshuttle server. By default the value is infinite.

Note: You need to be connected to a Winshuttle Central server to view Winshuttle Update Plugin properties. For more information, refer to the section "Associating a Workflow with SharePoint" in the Winshuttle Designer User Guide.