Creating a Subprocess with a Loop

  1. Open Winshuttle Designer.
  2. Click File, New, and then click Workflow Solution for Forms.
  3. Within the workflow; insert a Loop Block node for the Subprocess. For example:

    loop block node

  4. Give each node a name.
  5. Select the Loop Block node added for the Subprocess.
  6. With the Loop Block node selected, in the Properties Pane, set the LoopType field to None. (See below)

    Looptype None

    NOTE: Since the Loop Type is None, a Loop Condition is not needed.

  7. Add any Transitions required between nodes.
  8. Double-click the Loop Block node (inserted in step 3) to create a new canvas for the Subprocess.
  9. Create the workflow for the Subprocess.
  10. Start the workflow in the SAME swimlane as the main canvas. Example:

  11. Click Save.


  • When the Subprocess ends the workflow would continue. In the example, the next step would be the Manager Review.
  • Each node of the entire workflow must have a unique name.
  • It is possible to create multiple Subprocesses for a workflow. Each Subprocess would have its own canvas.