
The SharePointColumn Participant Resolver is another way of assigning a Participant of a Workflow. In order to use the SharePointColumn Participant Resolver, a Login Name must be present (DOMAIN\USER) in the given SharePoint List. If the Login Name is a value within your form, the field which holds this value must be Promoted to the SharePoint List.




Specifies the name of the SharePoint column from which the name of the user assigned to the swimlane should be retrieved.

To Configure SharePointColumn in a form, do the following:

  1. InfoPath, create a field in your form that will hold the value of the Login Name to route to.

  2. Promote your newly added field to the SharePoint List. On the InfoPath Ribbon, click File>Form Options.

  3. In Form Options, in the Category pane, click Property Promotion.

  4. Click Add, and then choose the field that you created in Step 1 (or any field you have created to hold the value of the Login Name). Click OK.

  5. Save changes to InfoPath form, and then publish it to your FormEx Site.
  6. In Designer, add a Swimlane in that will belong to the assigned user.
  7. Select a SharePoint Group that will include the users who will be assigned through the SharePointColumn Participant Resolver.
  8. Name the Swimlane created in Step 6.
  9. In the Approver Properties window, next to Type, select PersonFromRole
  10. Select SharePointColumn in the ParticipantResolver Property.

  11. Under UI Support, next to ParticipantResolverArguments, double-click Collection to open the Editor.

  12. Click Add to add in an Argument for Column.

  13. Type in the name of your SharePoint Column that will contain the value of the Login Name to route to.

  14. Click OK
  15. Publish your Form and Workflow.