Step 4: Create a Winshuttle Solution file

  1. Open Winshuttle Designer. On the Designer menu bar, click File, select New, and then click Create a New Workflow Solution for Forms.

  2. In the Solution Pane, right-click Transaction Scripts, and then click Import to import the Transaction file that we tested in Step 3.

  3. Now we will make the input and output fields from the SAP recording available as a data fields to use in our Workflow and Forms scenario. On the Designer Menu bar, click Tools, and then click Manage Field Mappings.

  4. Next to Script name, click the drop-arrow and then select the name of the imported file.

    Also, under the Group field, type the name of a group under which you want to group all the fields associated with this SAP connection. (In this example, the Group name is sapvendor.). Click OK.

  5. In the Manage Field Mappings screen, choose the default mappings, and then click Generate Infopath Form.

  6. Finish by saving and naming your solution file in Designer.