You are here: Getting Started > Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Creating a form with SAP Web services > T2-7. Save InfoPath changes

Tutorial 2–Step 7: Save InfoPath changes in Designer

  1. In Winshuttle Designer, click the Save icon to save your Solution.

  2. Now you must create a process to associate with your form--even if it's just a simple Start-End process. To create a very basic process (for those forms that don't require more intricate workflows), click the Start node button, and then draw a start node in the Originator field.

  3. Click the End Node button (see below), and then draw an End Node in the Originator field.


  4. On the Designer toolbar, click the Save icon to save your changes.
  5. Click the Publish button to publish your solution.


  6. You should see a summary similar to following example:

  7. Click OK.