You are here: Getting Started > Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Building advanced forms and workflows > T3-13. Configure custom controls in InfoPath.

Tutorial 3—Step 13: Configure custom controls in InfoPath.

After completing this exercise, you will configure Designer custom controls, and use a published Web service with the SAP Web service control.

  1. Launch Winshuttle Designer, and then open the file from Exercise 11.
  2. Click Launch InfoPath.
  3. On the InfoPath ribbon on the Home tab, in the Controls pane, click the More button to expand the controls pane

    InfoPath - Controls - More button

  4. Under Custom, select SAP Web Service.

  5. Drag the SAP Web Service control to an appropriate position in your form.

    This control will be rendered as a button that the user will click. We suggest placing it directly after the last step the user will take before clicking it.

  6. Right-click on the SAP Web Service control, and then select Properties.
  7. Click the Web Service Info tab.
  8. Click Add.
  9. From the Web Service drop down menu, select the Web service you published, and then click OK.
  10. In the Run section, check When button is pressed:
  11. Delete the text Run Service.
  12. Type the text Run SAP Web Service, and then click OK. (You can type any name you want; this text will be the text displayed on the button.)

  13. Save your form and close it.
  14. Open Winshuttle Designer, and then click Publish to publish your form.
  15. After your form has been successfully published, open your Forms Site in a Web browser.
  16. In the Winshuttle Form Library section, select your form from the drop down menu.
  17. Launch your form by clicking the paper (form) icon.

  18. Test your form by entering the correct data, and then clicking the Run SAP Web Service button.