You are here: Getting Started > Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Building advanced forms and workflows > T3-8. Create an advanced workflow

Tutorial 3–Step 8: Create an advanced workflow

In this tutorial you will:

  • Integrate a form with a workflow.
  • Route the form based off form data.
  • Add an approval loop.
  1. Open Winshuttle Designer, and then open the Time Off Request solution.
  2. Publish the form Time Off Request for the updated form information to become available.
  3. Select and delete both of the Approval Nodes, the Notification Node, and both End Nodes.
  4. Insert the Loop Nodes into the Manager and HR swimlanes.
  5. Rename the Loop Nodes to "Manager Approval Loop" and "HR Approval Loop." (respectively).
  6. Double-click the Manager Approval Loop node.
  7. Duplicate the workflow shown below:

    Make sure that you rename the Approval Node to Manager Approval.

  8. Navigate back to the Time Off Request tab, and then double-click the HR Approval Loop Node.
  9. Duplicate the workflow shown below:

    Make sure that you rename the Approval Node to HR Approval.

  10. Navigate back to the Time Off Request tab.
  11. Click the Manager ApprovalLoop node to select it.
  12. In the Properties pane, under Loop, select Loop Type, and thenselect Repeat UnitCond from the drop down menu.

  13. Click the Edit Condition button to edit the condition in which the workflow will exit the loop.
  14. Insert the following: text Approved("Manager Approval"), and then click OK.

  15. Click the HR Approval Loop node to select it.
  16. In the Properties pane, under Loop, select Loop Type, and then select UnitCond from the drop down menu.
  17. Click the Edit Condition to edit the condition in which the workflow will exit the loop.
  18. Insert the following text Approved("HR Approval") and then click OK.

  19. Save and publish your workflow.