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  • Winshuttle Foundation

jQuery functions

In addition to the full built-in jQuery and jQuery UI functionality, the following helper functions can be used within Composer rules.

Click a function below to view more information about it.


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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box.

  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – (optional) Title of the message box (default is ‘Error’)
  • callback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks OK.

jQuery.alert('The format of this field in incorrect', 'Format Error');


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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box with a drop-down list of values to choose from.

  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – Title of the message box
  • values – Array of string values to insert into drop down list
  • okCallback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks OK

jQuery.choice('Choose a size', 'Choice', ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'],
function(value) {
$form.setValue('/my:myFields/my:size', value);


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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box with a tree control of values to choose from.


  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – Title of the message box
  • values – Array of dynatree Node values to insert into tree control (refer to dynatree documentation for details)
  • okCallback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks OK

jQuery.choiceTree('Please choose an item', 'Tree Choice',
[ {
title: 'node 1', key: 'node1', isFolder: true,
children: [ {title: 'node 1.1', key: 'node1_1', isFolder: false},
{title: 'node 1.2', key: 'node1_2', isFolder: false},
{title: 'node 1.3', key: 'node1_3', isFolder: false}
title: 'node 2', key: 'node1', isFolder: true,
children: [ {title: 'node 2.1', key: 'node2_1', isFolder: false},
{title: 'node 2.2', key: 'node2_2', isFolder: false},
{title: 'node 2.3', key: 'node2_3', isFolder: false}
}], function(selectedNode) {
jQuery.alert('You chose: '+;

jQuery.confirm (message,title,callback,noCallback, yesLabel, noLabel, cancelLabel)

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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box with Yes, No and Cancel buttons.

  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – (optional) Title of the message box (default is ‘Confirmation)
  • callback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks Yes.
  • noCallback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks No.
  • yesLabel – (optional) text of the Yes button (default is Yes)
  • noLabel – (optional) text of the No button (default is No)
  • cancelLabel – (optional) text of the Cancel button (default is Cancel)

jQuery.confirm('Are you sure you want to do that?',
'Confirm Creation',
function() {

jQuery.prompt (message,title,initialValue, validateCallback, okCallback)

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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box with a text box for user input.

  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – Title of the message box
  • initialValue – (optional) Initial value to insert into the text box
  • validateCallback – (optional) Function to invoke for validation of input. Function should return true for valid input and false for invalid input (use ‘null’ for no validation)
  • okCallback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks OK and the input is valid.

jQuery.prompt('Please enter a number between 1 and 10',
'Enter a Number',
function(value) {
if ( typeof value === 'number' && value % 1 == 0) {
if (value>=1 && value<=10) {
return true;
} else {
jQuery.alert('Value must be >= 1 or <= 10');
} else {
jQuery.alert('Enter an integer please');
return false;
function(value) { $form.setValue('/my:myFields/my:field_1', value); });

jQuery.promptTextArea(message,title,initialValue, validateCallback, okCallback)

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Presents a jQuery modal dialog box with a text area (multi-line input field) for user input.

  • message – Message to display in the main message box
  • title – Title of the message boxinitialValue – (optional) Initial value to insert into the text box
  • validateCallback – (optional) Function to invoke for validation of input. Function should return true for valid input and false for invalid input (use ‘null’ for no validation)
  • okCallback – (optional) Function to invoke after the user clicks OK and the input is valid.

jQuery.promptTextArea('Please enter some text', 'Prompt', '', null,
function(value) {
$form.setValue('/my:myFields/my:bigTextField', value);