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  • Winshuttle Foundation

Conditional operators in Composer rules

The following table provides an overview and examples of Conditional Operators you can use with Composer Rules.





Is Equal To…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes

Is Not Equal To…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes

Is Blank…

Not Applicable



Is Not Blank…

Not Applicable



Is Not Unique Not Applicable  
  • Returns true if the selected field has any duplicate values within the repeating group, returns false If all values of the field in a repeating group are unique.
  • This operator is only applicable for fields within a repeating group.

Is Greater Than…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes

Is Greater Than or Equal To…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes

Is Less Than…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes

Is Less Than or Equal To…

Number, String constant or Function

12, "test", $form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:field_`')

String constants must be enclosed in double quotes


Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

Does Not Contain…

Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

Begins With…

Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

Does Not Begin With…

Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

Ends With…

Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

Does Not End With…

Literal String Value


All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

*Matches Pattern…

Literal String Value or Regular Expression

Regular Expression

All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

*Does Not Match Pattern…

Literal String Value or Regular Expression

Regular Expression

All characters in the string (including quotes) will be processed

* Only applies to Rule Conditions