Applies to:
- Winshuttle Foundation
Composer Field Encryption
When the Field Encryption property is set to True for a form field, data entered into the field is encrypted by the Winshuttle Workflow server, and then stored in an encrypted format in the form XML and log files.
If the field is in a form view to be rendered, or the field needs to post to SAP or any 3rd party web service, the field is decrypted by the Server and sent in plain text format. In order to ensure complete security, the data transmission should occur via https.
Field Encryption Prerequisites
- Winshuttle Composer: 11.1
- Winshuttle Workflow: 11.1
- Winshuttle Foundation: 11.1
- Winshuttle SAP Integration Server: 11.1
- Winshuttle LMS: 11.1
Field Encryption Availability
Field Encryption is available for the following Form Elements:
Field Encryption is also available for individual fields in the following Element types:
- Full Name
- Password
- Address
- Repeating Table
Field Encryption Supported Data Types
Notes for form designers using encrypted fields
- Encrypted fields in a form view can always be edited unless the Workflow Designer has set the fields to Read Only for that view.
- If you want to see fields in decrypted format in a form view after a process is completed, do the following:
- Place the encrypted fields in the default view OR
- Create a view with name ‘ShareVisPostProcessView’.
- In the form xml, the field is still stored in Encrypted form.
- Empty values are not encrypted and are shown/stored as empty.
- Encrypted fields are not supported in conditions (queries, plugins, Participant Resolver, transitions etc.).
- If encryption is turned on for fields which are promoted to SharePoint, then the fields will be encrypted in the SharePoint list as well.
Field Encryption technical specifications
Field Encryption is NIST (RJINDAEL) compliant.
How encrypted fields are transmitted
- Encrypted field values sent from Winshuttle Workflow Server to Winshuttle Server will be sent and received in plain text format. For example, during web service communication to Winshuttle Server, encrypted fields will be decrypted by the Workflow Server and will be sent as plain text.
- Field values sent from Workflow Server to a Web browser will be decrypted by the Workflow Server and sent as plain text if the field is present on the form view.
- Field values sent from a Web browser to Workflow Server will be sent in plain text format and encrypted by Workflow Server.
- Field values sent from Workflow Server to any 3rd party web service will be sent in plain text format.