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Winshuttle SAP Integration Server 11x Installation and architecture overview

There are many possible server configurations for installing RabbitMQ (i.e. the Winshuttle Server Service Bus), Winshuttle Server Manager, and Winshuttle Worker. Some possible configurations are shown below.

Important notes

  • Make sure you have Administrator level permissions for the server on which you want to install Winshuttle Server. See system account requirements for more information.
  • Winshuttle Server must be installed and run on a separate machine from Winshuttle Central (User Governance) and Winshuttle Workflow.
  • 1- or 2-server environments are only recommended for development environments

Minimum Server Deployment

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This is the minimum recommended configuration for a development environment.


  • Single Manager – Recommended for Dev/QA environments
  • SQL Server as a DB on the same/different machine

Additional Configurations

Below are additional possible server configurations for 5 and 6 servers.

5 servers configuration

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This configuration allows high availability for both the Managers and the Workers. The Queue will share a server node with one of the Managers. SQL Server will share a server node with another manager.


  • High availability for the Managers
  • High availability for the Workers


  • Cost is higher (five servers)
  • Administrative overhead

6 servers

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This is a recommended architecture. This configuration requires 6 server nodes to ensure that each process has its own server on which no resources will be shared.

This configuration requires three additional server nodes beyond those that are currently provisioned.


  • Highly Available Managers
  • Highly Available Workers
  • Queue on its own dedicated server
  • Scales as necessary


  • Highest amount of servers/cost
  • Administrative overhead