Applies to:
Winshuttle Composer release notes 11.0-11.1 FCS
On this page
- Winshuttle Composer 11.1 FCS release notes
- Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3 GA hotfix 3 release notes
- Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3 hotfix 2 release notes
- Composer 11.0.3 GA hotfix 1 release notes
- Composer 11.0.3 FCS release notes
- Composer 11.0.2 GA release notes
- Composer 11.0.1 GA release notes
- Composer 11.0.1 FCS release notes
- Composer 11.0 GA hotfix 1
Winshuttle Composer 11.1 FCS (first customer ship) release notes
(Workflow: 11.1.xxxxxx-FCS, Foundation: 11.1.xxxxxx–FCS, Composer: 11.1.xxxxxx-FCS)
- Workflow: 11.1 FCS
- Foundation : 11.1 FCS
- Winshuttle Server: 11.1 FCS
Upgrade Paths
There is no upgrade path for the 11.1 FCS build. This will be available with the 11.1 GA release
New features
- Shared Data Connections Library
- Form Queue for Large Number of Concurrent Submissions
- Nested Tables – Tables within Tables, Tables within Repeating Groups
- Performance – Design Time, Run-Time, Table Rendering
- User Feedback during Processing
- Graphical Rules Condition Builder
- Field Instructions (Rich Text Tooltips)
- Export/Search within Rules Inspector
- Sub-Groups (Groups within Groups)
- Disable Rule Option
- Set Rule Breakpoint Option
- Configurable Excel Upload Options (Replace, Update, Append)
- Text Area and Combo Box Table Elements
- Hidden Row Details
- Enforce Row Count on Excel Upload
- Upgrade Field Packs to Major Version
- Propagate Changes to All Views Property on individual Labels
- “Set Label” Rule Action
- Min Characters property on input fields
- Added DefaultApprovalText and DefaultApprovalSubject properties to Workflow
- New $form.copyLikeRows() API function
- Web Service Rename
- Update Scripts
- Specify Group on Use Existing Fields
- Import WSDLs with External References
- Modern Font Selector
- Modern Color Selector
- Address Control – User defined layouts with AutoComplete
- Group “isVisible” Property Header Only Option
- Export Blackbird Logs
- Translation of Static Dropdowns with Override
- Toggle Workflow Transitions
- Delete Process Owner swimlane
Bug Fixes
- Does Not Contain operator not working with SharePoint List Data Connections
- Checkboxes not initializing with correct value
- Designate Required (*) on Table Elements
- Translation issue with Dropdown Elements set to Required
- Address, Map and Signature Elements not rendering in Repeating Group
- Inconsistent element names when copying between Views
- Multiple mappings for the same Script only processes the first one
- Web Service chain not working using Ordinals
- Default row count causing focus problem on form load
- Notification Node not sending a complete PDF
- Validation Popup not working for all field types
- Where Used not identifying fields using in Button rules
- Date Picker Element not triggering rules properly
- Show/Hide rule not working with URL Element
- Lookup Control being interrupted by GetExternal Value rule on Set Field
- Lookup Element in Repeating Groups not functioning
- Default Value dropdown being cutoff
- Default Language not selected on form load
- Table Column widths are not preserved after a Query if header is hidden
- Syntax errors if SharePoint List Data Connection value contains an apostrophe
- Email plugin not including attachments
- Variants not showing up in nested loops
- Issue validating required dropdowns prior to submit
- Rules editor error if Formatting Rule does not contain an Applies to Field
- Setting a Date field to an empty string does not clear out an existing date
- Combo Box Elements within a Table get disabled after delete a row
- Fixed width Tables not rendering properly if collapsed by default at design time
Hotfix Merges
All Previous Releases and Hotfixes have been merged into this Release
Known Limitations
- Attachments in filtered repeating content are not being initialized properly
Changes in Behavior:
- All Default Values with Refresh enabled will now be evaluated on Form Load
- No need to run Reload Dropdown Options anymore for Cascading Dropdowns
- Rules on repeating fields will now honor “Run on Form Load” setting (previously always ran)
Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3 GA hotfix 3 release notes
Release: 12-18-2016
Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3 GA Hotfix 3 is compatible with following versions of other Winshuttle products:
- Workflow Server: 10.9.1 GA Hotfix 3
- Winshuttle Central 10.7 and 10.7 hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
- Winshuttle Server 10.7 GA and 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
Upgrade Paths
You can directly upgrade to 11.0.3 GA HF3 from following release versions:
- 11.0.3, 11.0.3 HF2 and 11.0.3 HF1
- 11.0.2
- 11.0.1
- 11.0
- Fixed an issue where Connection string variants were not visible in Deployment Profiles.
- Fixed an issue where Rasterize.js wasn’t working with a HTTP to HTTPS Redirect.
- Fixed an issue where copying from a rich text editor to a rich text field causes the process to break.
- Fixed an issue where the Process history was not displayed in the PDF/JPEG/PNG attachments.
- Fixed an issue where the Active Deployment Profile changed when Deploying.
- Fixed translation issues when migrating a Designer solution to Composer.
- Fixed an issue when a JavaScript error is observed when attempting to set Field in a Query element using a SQL Data Connection.
- Fixed default value formula behavior differences between Composer 11.0.2 and 11.0.3 HF2.
- Enabled the use of MS Azure Cognitive Services in Composer.
Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3 hotfix 2 release notes
11.0.3 GA Hotfix 2 is compatible with following versions of other Winshuttle products:
Workflow Server: 10.9.1 GA Hotfix 2
Winshuttle Central :
- 10.7 GA
- 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
Winshuttle Server:
- 10.7 GA
- 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
Upgrade Paths
You can upgrade directly to 11.0.3 Hotfix 2 from following release versions:
- 11.0.3 Hotfix 1
- 11.0.3
- 11.0.2
- 11.0.1
- 11.0
- Fixed an issue where a Solution is unable to be deployed because the Mapping Name was grayed out after an upgrade in Production.
- Fixed a Problem with the initial web service call when a form view contains multiple tables bound to the same repeating group
- Fixed an issue where Translation was failing with a '400 error'
- Fixed multiple issues with Lookup Control behavior in Repeating Groups.
- Fixed an issue where the Send email plugin was truncating repeating table values in PDF and JPG output.
- Fixed an issue where the Default Language was not working for a couple of languages.
- Fixed a formatting issue with Repeating Content.
- Fixed an intermittent issue when connecting to a Forms site causes a "User could not be found" error.
- Fixed an issue where $formemptyTable does not work when using multiple views.
- Fixed an issue where an Ordinal value was being replicated between multiple web services.
- Fixed an issue where simultaneous tasks were not holding data and blank lines are displayed in the Hierarchy view.
- Fixed an issue where a Lookup element search key field using a repeating field fails to return any values in the popup window.
- Fixed an issue where the emails did not contain the attachments when using the send email plugin and attaching a file to the form in a certain view.
- Fixed an issue where the Solution does not render all components when it is opened with Composer 11.0.3, but works fine when opened with 11.0.1.
- Fixed an issue where Variants were not showing up on nested Loops.
- Fixed an issue in the form making a mandatory drop down field read only after populating a value.
- Fixed an issue where the PDView was word wrapping a large repeating table instead of truncating it.
- Fixed an issue where an unexpected error is thrown on opening the rules in a specific view.
- Added the ability to clear a date picker date when a certain item is selected from a dropdown list.
- Fixed an issue where the Date picker overwrite was not maintained after Save and Route.
- Fixed an issue where the Rules Editor was not working as expected on previously created rules.
- Fixed an issue where Dropdown menus were behaving strangely when using translations.
- Fixed an issue where Default Values were only set on first page for hidden fields after Excel upload with Pagination enabled.
- Fixed an issue where opening specific solutions in Internal Environments caused Server Errors.
- Fixed an issue where Deployment Variants were changing when a solution was changed.
- Fixed an issue where Users with an apostrophe (') in their name couldn’t open Composer forms.
- Fixed an issue where the Email attachment of the form for approval nodes was missing data and formatting issues with PDF
- Fixed an issue where Required Dropdowns having translated static range data showed 2 selected options when translated
- Fixed an issue where Change attribute (c=1) in formXML was not set on fields in hidden pages
- Fixed an issue where Row Number fields were only applied to the first page of table if pagination is enabled
- Fixed an issue where Save and Route was not functioning because of NPE with imported schemas.
- Fixed an issue where Signature control rules could be defined but were removed when returned to the Properties.
- Fixed an issue where the Xpath usage was not getting updated on Group/Field renames.
- Fixed an issue where the user could not set a date field to empty value.
- Fixed an issue where the Integer data types were not being validated properly.
- Fixed an issue where evaluated default values were not being set on hidden fields.
- Fixed an issue where opening a solution from a Workflow site wasn't working properly.
- Performance improvements for Search and Export settings for Read Only Tables.
- Performance Optimization for the queryXmlDocument function by caching loaded FormXml document.
- Fixed an intermittent issue where Lookup controls were not working well with repeating tables.
- Fixed an issue where the deployment connection string variants were being considered empty in the solution file, and on deployment error was being thrown
- Fixed an intermittent issue where Add to team and Reassignment are not working as expected
Hotfix Merges
- All previously released versions and hotfixes
Composer 11.0.3 GA hotfix 1 release notes
11.0.3 GA Hotfix 1 is compatible with following versions of other Winshuttle products:
- Winshuttle Workflow Server: 10.9.1 GA Hotfix 1
- Winshuttle Central 10.7 GA
- Winshuttle Central 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
- Winshuttle Server 10.7 GA
- Winshuttle Server 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
Upgrade Paths
You can directly upgrade to Composer 11.0.3 GA from the following release versions:
- 11.0.3
- 11.0.2
- 11.0.1
- 11.0
- Fixes a problem with the “Does not contain” filter option on SharePoint lists.
- “null” is added to the required Drop Down Elements related to the Reload Dropdown rule.
- Fixes a problem with checkbox validation when caught but the element is not highlighted in red.
- Fixes a problem when a validation message is triggered if no condition is set.
- Fixes a problem where the Delete Row Options (Enable/Disable) rule is not working for Repeating Tables.
- Corrects an issue running multiple Lookups (caused by default view deleted within Composer).
- Fixes a problem where not all Radio button labels are translated and requires initial Bing translation.
- Fixes a problem where a Selectable Table is not triggering a rule if only 1 row is populated.
- Fixes an issue where nested repeating data from a Web Service persists.
- Fixes a problem with missing fields in the Solution Tree and incorrect Swimlane sizing
- Fixes a problem with fields being cleared from View to View
- Corrects an issue where lookup controls are not functioning properly in repeating groups
- Fixes a problem where Repeating Web Services only run on visible pages
- Fixes a problem with images not loading at runtime
- Fixes a problem where not all fields are updated on chained web services (field ordering)
- Fixes a problem with fields not getting updated by a Web service related to a Reload Drop Down rule
- Corrects an issue with filtered dropdowns not getting updated after a Lookup, Web Service and/or Query
- Corrects an issue where Checkbox values are reset to default values after dragging and dropping table rows to re-order them.
- Fixes an issue where the Layout tree displays “Unknown” for field names
- Corrects an issue causing a form to hang when filtering multiple instance of the same table in a single view
- Fixes an issue where Refresh Default Values is run on submit
Hotfix Merges
All previously released versions and hotfixes.
Composer 11.0.3 GA release notes
(Composer: GA)
11.0.3 GA is compatible with following versions of other Winshuttle products:
- Workflow Server: 10.9.1 GA
- Winshuttle Central 10.7 GA. Note: 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 is required for Async Web Services
- Winshuttle Server 10.7 GA. Note: 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 is required for Async Web Services
Upgrade Paths
Users can directly upgrade to 11.0.3 GA from following release versions:
- 11.0.2
- 11.0.1
- 11.0
Hotfix Merges
All previously released versions and hotfixes.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs/issues have been fixed:
- Single slash in default value of textbox breaking save/deploy at design time.
- Query Returns 1 Record - Selectable Table not populating.
- Where-Used queries will now find rules defined on Buttons and Views
- Default values of empty fields are recalculated after running a Webservice or Query.
- Subgroups in the Form Data tree are getting deleted (and all their elements) even it one of the elements is still used on the form.
- Existing values are not being initialized in Value Setter editor.
- Attachments are lost after upload during an Excel Upload.
- Changing the Query Control name does not update Layout tree properly.
- Dragging Repeating Content to the Form Area with no active Group causes an error.
- When importing a Designer solution with more than one script, mapping is only created for the first script.
- Concurrent edit of repeating content doesn't work for nested repeating groups.
- .JPG images showing wrong dates.
- Entering a site into the 'Forms Site' field while creating a new solution does not populate the 'Sharepoint Site' field in the workflow tab.
- Attachments in filtered repeating content are not being initialized properly.
- "\" being accepted as a value in text boxes but not in dropdown list boxes.
Composer 11.0.3 FCS release notes
(Workflow Server: FCS, Designer: FCS, Composer:
- Winshuttle Workflow 10.9.1 FCS
- Winshuttle Central 10.7 GA / 10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
- Winshuttle Server 10.7 GA /10.7 GA Hotfix 2 (required for Async Web Services)
Upgrade paths
Users can directly upgrade to Winshuttle Composer 11.0.3. from Composer versions 11.0 through 11.0.2
Hotfix Merges
- All Previous Releases and Hotfixes.
New Features
- General Performance Improvements returning Query results (no longer refresh entire page).
- Optional Deferred Loading of Groups (isVisible Group property) to improve performance (only render group on demand).
- Added the ability to add comments, search, multi-select, drag-and-drop, and more to the Solution tree.
- Added the ability to promote/un-promote multiple fields to SharePoint through the Forms tab.
- Added new functionality to the Form Tabs and Solution Tree, including interface improvements, search capabilities, drag and drop, and multi-select capabilities.
- Added the ability to enable/disable all fields in a group.
- Added a new Rules Inspector and Rules Editor. See Working with Rules for more information.
- Improved tables by adding drag-and-drop and other features so you can more easily insert, delete, and move rows.
- Added the ability to display group members when configuring a participant resolver.
- Added the ability to import InfoPath schema.
- Added .PDF and .PNG support for "Include Item" Attachment format, Send Email and Copy Form plugins
- Added new table features, such as sorting, searching, drag/drop, insert above/below, pagination page selection.
- Added custom checkbox values.
- Changed Group/Field Formatting rules to Action rules.
- Added a rich text option for Text Area/HTML Elements
- Added multi-select (delete) and search field options to Field Mappings dialog
- Added more formatting options and fonts.
- Added New Group to Container Elements (it still performs the same function as the New Group command in the Ribbon).
- Added a New Function: regExpExtract.
- Moved Group formatting properties to Action properties.
- Added a search box to all Form tabs.
- New properties have been added to the Workflow definition: EmailAssignmentSubject, EmailCancellationSubject, EmailExceptionSubject, EmailPastDueSubject, EmailReminderSubject.
- Improved and expanded solution validation prior to solution deployment.
- Improved the New Solution Wizard.
- Improved Logging for debugging.
- Improved the Getting Started screen.
- Added the ability to search properties in the Property pane.
- Added the ability to filter and search fields.
- Performance improvements have been introduced that should help especially with large solutions.
- Sorted and Grouped fields within Dropdowns.
- Configure Input field alignment and set Preferences.
- Improved Field Mapping Dialog (Performance).
- Use existing Input and/or Output Fields when mapping.
- Added processing status messages when form is loading.
- Validate Composer/Workflow versions prior to publishing solutions.
- Added Solution Comments.
- Improved Where Used lookups (include Custom JS).
- Added rule to disable all elements within a group.
- Skip Custom controls and row number on Excel import
Bug Fixes
- Missing Workflow property labels
- Swimlane parameters not being set properly
- Participant resolver arguments not being reset
- Default values not being reflected on properties tab
- Issue losing property value with copy/paste of Rule
- Issue with display when rotating mobile display
- Issue with Collapsible Field Reference and toggling visibility
- Invalid default value displayed when value has leading zeros
- Issue translating dropdown options containing an ampersand
- Issue with Tab key in Microsoft Edge (Windows 10)
- Changes not saved when editing data connection from Query or Lookup
- Issue with formatting rule associated to nested fields
- Issue with = sign in Value Setter
- Issue with Where Used searching repeating fields
- Choosing a date from a date picker causes the field to lose focus
- Issue with complex types in Address Doctor Web Service
- Where Used showing incorrect relations based on prefix search
- Issue setting default values on fields previously set to blank
- Form view is not reflected in notification email
- Web Service Field Mapping - Operation Selector is Disabled
- Data Connection drop selector loses value on reopening of dialog box
- Error thrown when Adding a Data Connection with no input parameters
- Unable to render more than one Map Element on a View
- Saved field/property issue with Lookup Controls and Participant Resolver
- Issue creating rules when zoom factore is < 100%
- Issue with older solutions missing Attachment Controls
- Plugin arguments editor help link not appearing for repeating arguments
- Scripts with nested loops not importing correctly in Composer
- Set Column Plugin : Getting error while saving Plugin Arguments.
- Plugin Variants screen not able to expand/scroll
- Resizing browser does not cause responsive layout of form if SP header is on
- When FormSharePointHeader is false, scroll position is not preserved
- Table"Row Number Field" is not being initialized before rules are run
- External WebService is not running with Default values
- Deployment Profile Variants list not updated
- Unable to see all content in Preview mode and unable to close
- Lookup Control selection moves focus back to top of the form
- Popup Validation allowing Save and Route
- Form: Placeholder blank space appears after field is hidden
- Drag&drop or cut&paste do not ask/update all views
- WaitDuration Field Can be edited with Operators and and no validation comes up.
- Workflow Participant component misses a field to change the name
- Add ability to change WebService Name
- Workflow Transition Shouldn't Allow Invalid Connections
- Ws.Query is not working with Run at Start
- Map Element does not render if group is hidden by default
- Schema field count on solution tab main content view is incorrect
- Row Number Field property not working on Selectable Tables
- Adding SP list data connection doesn't work if /default.aspx is included on Site URL
- Max Characters doesn't work if Element Type is 'Number'
Known limitations
- Attachments in filtered repeating content are not being initialized properly.
- Entering a site in the 'Forms Site' field while creating the new solution does not populate the 'Sharepoint Site' field in the workflow tab.
- .JPG images showing wrong dates.
- Concurrent edit of repeating content doesn't work for nested repeating groups.
- Dragging Repeating Content into the Form Area without an active group causes an error.
- Changing a Query Control name does not update the Layout tree properly.
- Excel Upload – Table Attachments are lost after upload.
- Values disappearing from Value Setter Node.
- When importing a Designer solution with more than one script, mapping is created for only the first script.
Composer 11.0.2 GA release notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an exception error when adding rules and data connections when the browser is zoomed in.
- Fixed scripts with nested loops not importing properly.
- Fixed an issue where the “Add New Link” (located on the bottom of nested groups) is not clickable.
- Fixed an issue with default values overwriting empty Numeric Fields.
- Fixed an issue with the Plugin arguments dialog not scrolling.
- Fixed an Issue with Erase Sensitive Data within a repeating Table/Group.
- Fixed an issue with the scroll position after web service call when FormSharePointHeader=false.
- Fixed an issue with displaying formatting rule options when configuring Button Elements.
- Fixed issues with Lookup Element interactive/trigger configuration settings.
- Fixed an issue with chained web service hanging.
- Fixed an issue loading paginated tables that contain a Dropdown Element with static options.
- Fixed an issue where the ignoreWeekends argument (set to true) was not working with addDays() function.
- Fixed an issue with deleting a field in a web service affecting the remaining fields.
- Fixed issues with Custom JavaScript reusing internal variables (scoping issue using eval() function).
- Fixed an issue where accessing empty Numeric fields returns NaN instead of an empty string.
- Fixed the Row Number Field property to work in Repeating Tables.
- Fixed an issue with Dropdown Elements when changing translated languages.
- Fixed an issue with default values on Radio Button Elements.
- Fixed an issue passing default values to a Web Service on a Field Change.
- Fixed an issue with deploying a solution after Copy/Paste.
Known Issues
- When applying Hide Component to a Table field, the entire column is hidden.
Composer 11.0.2. FCS release notes
New Features
- Added support for Global Name Templates.
- Added Rules to View properties.
- Added a Width element property so you can force the form to a certain width.
- Added the ability to change the order of execution of webservices within a single button.
- Added the ability to give form users the option to upload an Excel file to populate a repeating Table/Group. (See Element Properties for more information).
- Updated the import feature. It should now import everything into a Composer solution file (if wsslnc file is chosen).
- Added a new Refresh Default Value property to mimic InfoPath's "Refresh value when formula is recalculated" setting.
- Added Placeholder property to input fields.
- Updated Signature Element with Accept link and rules
- Added Table Validation capabilities.
- Added pagination to Repeating Groups
- Support "wide" tables with horizontal scrollbar
- Added support for externally storing table data and merging table data.
- Added the ability to select custom elements for Formatting rules (Hide/Show Component/Group)
- Added new Rules to work with Tables (New Row Options and Delete Row Options)
- Added the ability to use pop up message for Validation Rules.
- Added DB2 Data Connection Support
- Added a Filter Content rule to filter Repeating Tables/Groups
- Added global $currentSession variables
- Added Country Code to the Address Element
- Added a Filter Option on the Field Pack screen, similar to the Open Solution Screen.
- Emphasis on Import/Export of Form Preferences.
- Allow sublabel on field to wrap if the text is long within the column.
- Improved supported data types when generating table elements.
- Forms/SharePoint Site dropdowns no longer retain bad server connections.
- Filter Open Dialog File Types.
- Added a tooltip to Recent Solutions with Name, Site and App URL information.
- Added improvements to the IncludeItem property for attachments.
- Added a delete button to the Edit Rule screen
- Added the Run Embedded Plugin Option to the Button Element.
- Added prompt for domain credentials when creating SQL data connections with Windows Authentication.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Form Preferences drop downs not displaying if you have to scroll to see the option.
- Fixed an issue where a form group becomes visible if a rule exists to hide a component of an already hidden group.
- Fixed an issue that can occur when using a disable rule on a repeating element that causes only the first line to be disabled.
- Fixed an issue where "Team from Role" User Selection was causing an unwanted popup in Internet Explorer.
- Fixed an issue where systems are added repetitively when clicking on a Central site in the Deployment Variables.
- Fixed a Field Pack Editing Issue.
- Fixed an issue with version creation in Field Packs.
- Fixed an issue where the group background color dropdown contains duplicated entries.
- Fixed an issue where Deployment Variants were not being removed on Swim Lane deletion.
- Fixed an issue that could occur when attempting to translate a form and caused an error: "The remote server returned an error : (400) Bad Request."
- Fixed additional translation issues.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a table to load the default value on all rows if the field is not being populated by query.
- Fixed an issue where the & symbol in a view name causes an error on deployment.
- Fixed an issue causing blank area at bottom of form with repeating table operations on mouseover.
- Fixed an issue causing an orphaned Loop tab in the Workflow tab.
- Fixed an issue with the SetForm Plugin.
- Fixed an issue causing the Composer version not being saved for new Solutions.
- Fixed an issue with deselecting Select Mode in the Workflow Tab.
- Fixed an issue with the test size being truncated in the ribbon.
- Fixed an issue where default values were not persisting when moving from one view to another view.
- Fixed an issue with using the isRepeating property for older solutions.
- Fixed an issue with the Approval Node where deleting the Name of the Approval name and renaming it would give unexpected results.
- Fixed an issue where Save and Route fails if a Selectable Table is included on a Form with the property Save Content = False (the default).
- Fixed an issue where double-clicking on a tab removes ribbon Icons.
- Fixed an issue with Form Validation: When a Field is Blank in Form, Nothing Happens on Save and Route.
- Fixed an issue where Attachment Validation still occurs when placed in a hidden group.
- Fixed an issue where WebService Fields do not map correctly in a form.
- Fixed an issue where the Insert External Data button does not display unless a Data Connection is present, even if Repeating Content is available.
- Fixed an issue where adding a DropDown Option with an empty value does not get set as default.
- Fixed an issue with the Powershell Plugin not working.
- Fixed an issue where the Spacer element is visible in Repeating Group sections.
- Fixed an issue where required and read-only field conflict.
- Fixed an issue where default values are not loaded if a field is not visible in a form view.
- Fixed an issue where F4 alignment doesn't respect a field when used in collapsible groups.
- Fixed an issue where the Copy Attachments Plugin Binding dropdown contains duplicate attachments.
- Fixed an issue with connecting to a site from the Welcome Screen does not carry over to the selected site in the Open Solution dialog.
- Fixed an issue where re-evaluating Repeating Content (reloadDropDown, getExternalData) after changes were made is not reflected in return.
- Fixed an issue with Field packs where static data loss in dropdowns and combobox elements can occur.
- Fixed an issue where required fields within hidden groups are not skipped when routing a form.
- Fixed an issue where Team from Role leaves a pop-up in Internet Explorer.
- Fixed an issue where Image elements are not rendered if the Form Tab is not active when a solution is opened.
- Fixed an issue where the Name field on the Solution Tab is not being updated after using Save As.
- Fixed an issue where a Radio Button does not show its configured default value at design time.
- Fixed an issue where LogField was being overwritten on successive web service calls.
- Fixed an issue with Formatting rules on Labels and other "non-binding" elements that do not work in all views.
- Fixed an issue with the Winshuttle Update Plugin parameters not including repeating fields.
- Fixed an issue where the Winshuttle Update Plugin only runs on the first row of repeating content.
Known Issues
- The Auto-post plugin may appear as on option in Composer workflows, but it will not work. Composer workflows can only be published to Form sites.
- Table "Row Number Field" is not updating column values.
- Deleting a field in the web service mapping dialog modifies mapped fields below the deleted field.
- The translation service changes contents of dropdown lists.
- addDays() function is broken with ignoreWeekends set to true.
- Not able to hide the label of a column in the repeating table.
- Inconsistent Behavior of Lookup Control with Field Change and run at Start.
- Radio Buttons not working when a Query ctrl is placed on form.
- Endless processing screen while executing web services.
- Interactive Popup checkbox missing trigger functionality.
Composer 11.0.1 GA release notes
Important Note:
Due to changes in the solution format for Composer 11.0.1 GA, you may receive a 401 Unauthorized error when publishing a solution that contains Query or Transaction scripts. If you receive this error:
- In the Composer Solution Tree, right-click active deployment profile, and then click Edit Variant.
- Login to your Winshuttle Central server.
After logging in, you should be able to publish the solution successfully.
New Features
- Added the ability to use Filtered Repeating Data in a Set Value Action Rule
- Added the ability to use Conditional drop down list box contents in a repeating table
- Added the ability to type in values into Set Fields for a Query control
- Added the ability to set default row count when selecting Pagination
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the System Post drop-down displays only one name.
- Fixed an issue where a collapsed group with repeating table does not allow you to add a new item after it is expanded.
- Fixed an issue where the Lookup control with Raw where clause double-escapes XML characters.
- Fixed an issue where the connection to IBM DB2 Database was not working.
- Fixed an issue where the you cannot insert tokens in the Activity Description.
- Fixed an issue where the where a test request on a print-friendly version of a form causes an error.
- Fixed an issue where the exporting a Query script causes a corrupt script file in a solution.
- Fixed an issue where the Remove Locks was not working.
- Fixed an issue where Datepickers in repeating tables are not initialized property, and adding a Default Value to the Datepicker causes exception.
- Fixed an issue where the Form Data Trees are not refreshing after renaming, and the Repeating_Content folder is editable.
- Fixed an issue where the New solution wizard would not honor 'Connection' settings in the Web Service mapping dialog.
- Fixed an issue where the Composer Solution does not load anymore from the form site.
- Fixed an issue where ampersands in Labels will cause an issue with Translations, causing BING errors (error 400).
- Fixed an error that can occur adding a picture in a simple Forms: "Error: Cannot get documentRoot directory Check web.config file."
- Fixed an issue where the SAP Look Up control was not working on a solution.
- Fixed an issue with the default row count when selecting Pagination.
- Fixed an issue where the Deferred Column Update plugin doesn't allow an argument name with spaces.
- Fixed an issue with the NPE processing Data Connection Range filters in repeating tables
- Fixed an issue where the with the 11.0 Address and Map elements restricting form submission
- Fixed an issue where the Regional format causes display issues in Composer
- Fixed an issue where the Plugin parameters escaped multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where changing Form Field Properties was not working properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Plugin arguments editor would not differentiate between formfield and formfieldxpath parameter types (Add Attachment, Copy Attachments, Copy Attachments Url and Delete Attachments plugins).
- Fixed an issue where saving dynamic range changes does not take effect .
- Fixed an issue where importing web service from URL does not work.
- Fixed an issue where the form images are missing after an upgrade.
- Fixed an issue where the Add Data Connection to Oracle DB was not pulling in Views
- Fixed an issue where the Query Control could cause errors with conditions in the filter.
- Fix Table overflow with large number of Columns
Composer 11.0.1 FCS release notes
New features
- New Start Page on Composer load.
- Composer Support for App Model publishing.
- You can now drag and drop Elements and Groups.
- Eliminates the need to specify list= and select= for Query String in a Query Element.
- Enables HotKey shortcuts in the Composer Form Designer.
- Adds more translation options: You can now select the language you are translating from and the language you are translating to.
- Adds a font-size selector to the Form Ribbon.
- New preferences for Form styles, including import/export.
- Adds “Default Row Count” property to Repeating Tables.
- New Rule Actions added: Add New Row, Empty Row, and Render Map.
- Adds the ability to restrict duplicate values in a table column using new Validation Rule.
- Adds Clipboard operations (copy/paste) to the Rules Editor.
- Adds a “Filter” option to Open Solution dialog box to help filter long lists of solutions.
- Adds a pagination option to Repeating Tables to paginate long lists.
- Adds option to Selectable Tables to remove content from formXml on save.
- Adds new property to Group Properties: "Collapsible Field Reference" helps manage Collapsing/Expanding Groups.
- Adds new formula function: “dayDiff” and new ignoreWeekends argument to “addDays”.
- Adds validation patterns and ranges to form data.
- Adds new Form Element: Oracle Lookup.
- Support for Lookup Elements within Repeating Groups and Repeating Tables.
- Adds support for LDAP Query String to the Query Element.
- Adds the ability to insert filtered data from a data connection or repeating content (through the formula editor) into a formula as part of a Set Value Action.
- Allows editing of Swim Lane/DataConnections/Scripts in new Solution Wizard.
Composer 11.0 GA hotfix 1
Issues fixed
- Adds support for the use of SSO Kerberos (SAPLogonType solution property)
- Fixes the attachment binding argument for the following Workflow plugins: Add Attachment, Copy Attachments, Copy Attachment URL, Delete Attachments
- Fixes the lookup location of the form cache for Composer forms (Note: Requires Workflow 10.7 HotFix 7)
- Fixes an issue with defining SharePoint List data connections to different SharePoint farm.
- Fixes a bug in the Query control filter definitions containing && operator.
- Fixes the ‘Allow Multiple Selections’ option from the Lookup control so it can populate multiple rows in a repeating table (Note: Requires Workflow 10.7 HotFix 7)